Apr 16, 2014

2 - Minute History Date Review!

I've LOVED all the important dates in history that we learned this past year in CC! And I've just loved them so much that I do not want Mary (or myself!) to forget them. So, I've come up with an extremely simple way for us to review the dates:

Easy cheesy match-up!

In the center of our dining room table, I have a little basket of stuff (art cards, opera cards, etc.). This game also stays in the basket, and we pull it out and do it about three times a week at snack. All I did was take a piece of yellow construction paper, write the name of the wars and other major events and their corresponding dates, cut them into strips, laminate (always optional, btw), and viola!

This quick review literally takes about two minutes, and I love it! And obviously Mary's very pleased with herself when she matches everything up correctly. ;) Love that girl!

Want the game?

Click here to download!

In other news, my Usborne Books & More kick-off par-tay is TOMORROW! Eeeek! I'm SO excited about beginning this new chapter in my life! Click here to learn why I became a consultant for Usborne.

If you'd like to shop the eShow (which will be closing this week) and get exclusive customer specials, please click here. There are just an insane number of books to choose from (over 1,400 titles!), so I made a list of my favorites for the upcoming Cycle 3:

We've had some friends already shop the eShow, and I thank you so much for your support! I'll be starting a VIP guest program soon, too. I'll share more details in just a bit, but basically when you shop with me five times and each order is $35 or over, you'll get a $25 gift certificate after the fifth order. Isn't that awesome?! So, if you shop my eShow and your order qualifies, you'll automatically be entered into the VIP program! I'll keep up with it all - no hassles for you! (yay!)

And if you're curious about how all this book party stuff works, I'll be posting pictures and an update when mine is over so you can see what it's like. Can't wait!

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  1. I love that simple review! Thanks for sharing, Melody!!

    1. You are welcome, Beth! :) Love that profile picture, btw. Beautiful!

  2. I love this idea! I'm also honest enough to admit that I wish you had these available as printables. (Yes, I realize I'm pathetically lazy right now but I'm telling myself it's because we're heading towards the end of the year.) LOL

    1. Well, I thought about making a printable, so I'll try to get around to it today. :) I'm also lazy, girl, so you're in good company! ;)

  3. You rock.
    Seriously. I think I love you.


    Thank you for the printable. You just made my night.

    1. Ha! Love you, too, friend! :) Too funny... ;)

  4. You guys are funny =) Way to meet a need, Melody!

    I didn't know that Usborne does the consultant thing. I'll have to check out your links!

    1. Yes, and a of people do the consultant thing for the lifetime discount on Usborne books. It's a win-win, girl! I can hook you up! ;)

    2. *should read 'a lot of people'. Oops!

  5. Care to share with the memory work review game link-up ? (wink-wink!) Thanks for sharing your great CC ideas and your Usborne book match-ups! You're a super-star!

    1. Done! Thanks for the encouragement, Brandi! You're a MEGA super-star, girl! ;)


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