Oct 31, 2013

A Psychiatrist's Playground. . .

. . . the Alabama Renaissance Faire!

Look closely:

What you can't see is the blue food mobile behind these folks. It's selling $10 turkey legs on a stick - awesome!

Notice anything a little. . . hmmm. . . out of the ordinary in the picture above (besides the obvious, right)? Like, say, a Renaissance wolfman? Yeah, not sure what was up with that. This event was perfect for people-watching and flea-market-style shopping, but there really wasn't anything special for the kids. Kind of a bummer, really. But the weather was nice, and it was fun to walk around with my family and enjoy the day.

Although there weren't too many educational activities (we won't return next year), one family had an ingenious way of keeping little ones busy: coins in a haystack! If you found a gold coin, you could trade it in at a small booth for an even smaller toy. The girls scoured the hay while I roamed for a few minutes to get the pictures. Hmm... I'm thinking I should try this coin-in-the-hay scheme at home! Just kidding. . . or am I? ;)

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  1. Hi Melody -

    I have not been to this Renaissance Faire, but this last spring we did go to Family Weekend at the Tennessee Renaissance Faire (http://www.tnrenfest.com/index.htm) It was a wonderful experience, with very few unexplained wolfmen present. Shows and events are marked on the schedule with age appropriateness, which was a huge help. And the woman playing Queen Elizabeth I took time with all the little girls and stayed in character beautifully. THere was jousting and a living chess game as well as some truly wonderful storytellers. I would definitely recommend Family Weekend over a regular weekend, where a wolfman is more likely to pop up :) We had to peel the kids out at the end of the day, even though it was cold and rainy.

    1. SOLD! Thanks, Kathy! We'll definitely be there next year! That sounds absolutely PERFECT!!! Thank you SO much for sharing! :)

    2. If your girls go in period costume (or close enough to count - aren't all princesses Renaissance?), many of the lords and ladies will address them as peers. My son had made his own sword (lots of duct tape) and many of the knights stopped to compliment his craftsmanship - totally made his day!

    3. Eeeek! I'm SO excited, Kathy! Thanks again, friend! :)


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