I have the World History book matched-up for ALL cycles (woot! with a fancy table and everything!), so click here or the button below to download that and see inside the book.
Besides our Science Encyclopedia, another great Science book for Cycle 1 is What's Science All About! You can an exclusive look at the inside by clicking here or the button below:
We also have a younger Science book:
We spend 20 minutes in the morning on 'Encyclopedia Time,' and Mary can pick from any of our encyclopedias to read and write two sentences about what she learned - this is by far her favorite!
For Geography, we have the Geography Encyclopedia that's included in the reference collection mentioned above, and then we have my favorite Geography book, Lift The Flap Picture Atlas!
Lots of goodies in this book for Cycles 1 and 2! Click here to watch a sneak peek - you really do have to see the inside - just AWESOME (the video looks long, but it's the very first book I talk about, so no worries.).
Another one that's just perfect for Cycles 1 and 2 is our Time Traveler book! Click here for another exclusive sneak peek!
This covers Egypt and Rome, as well as Vikings and Knights! So much fun!
Okay, let's get a little more Cycle 1 specific. Ready?
The Encyclopedia of the Ancient World covers Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome:
These next two are also fabulous, but there is just a little nudity in the Greek one (nothing that a well-positioned sticker wouldn't fix!).
These are both available in the durable flexi-binding, which is in between a hardback and paperback; it's very smooth like the cover of a notebook. I personally LOVE the flexies (as I call them).
Cycle 1, Week 3's history is about Greek Mythology. We have TONS of Greek Mythology books for all ages (including an encyclopedia!), and you can see them by clicking here. My personal favorite for my own girls (ages 6 and 4), is the Illustrated Stories From the Greek Myths:
Mary LOVES this and reads it herself! The pictures are gorgeous, and it covers the Trojan War, Theseus and the Minotaur, and more!
If your child is like mine and has to be doing something while you read aloud, our fun Greek Mythology sticker book would be a great activity for your him or her while you're reading!
These next ones are great books about Egypt. Egypt isn't officially covered by a History sentence in Cycle 1, but many people add it in somewhere in the first few weeks (we did last time we did Cycle 1)
Look Inside Mummies and Pyramids above is a fascinating flap books with SO much information to discover, including a huge pyramid that opens up!
This Eygptian sticker book (along with all of the encylopedias above and MANY other of our books) is Internet-Referenced, which means you can go to our master site and learn more about the information in those specific books! The websites are safe, relevant, and appropriate to the books' recommended ages. This is SOO important and such a time-saver! If your child becomes fixated on Egyptian mummies, you can go to our master site, click on the book and page number, and boom! A list of safe sites pops ups! No googling for 45 minutes trying to find something appropriate. I LOVE our Internet-Referenced books!
We have so many great books for Cycle 1's Science memory work! Here are a few:
How Flowers Grow is a great $4.99 hardback non-fiction book that's also Internet-Referenced! Click here to see a quick video inside our awesome beginner non-fiction books! And then click here to see our full selection!
In addition to flowers, plants, and trees, Cycle 1 also deals with the ocean! Here are some of my favorite ocean books (click on the book to learn more):
Click here to see a video of the Big Book of Big Sea Creatures!
Volcanoes are also covered in Cycle 1, and we have the PERFECT book and activity! Check out our Volcano Kid Kit! It comes with a REUSABLE (finally!!!) volcano, rocks, colored fizzies for lava, instructions, and a beautiful beginner hardback non-fiction book! Kids LOVE this one!
China and Japan are also touched on in the History sentences for Cycle 1:
The fashion dolls are FABULOUS activities with an educational component! Click here to see Mary's video review of Fashion Dolls China!
For Math, we have TONS of great reference books! My favorite is What's Math All About. I've actually caught Mary reading this one like a story book! Nice!
Another fun one that goes SO well with all cycles of CC is our Lift the Flap Times Tables book:
This books totally makes skip counting FUN! Pirates, princesses, cheerleaders, spacemen, and tons of other exciting characters come together to help our kids learn their math facts!
Well, those are just some of the fantastic Usborne books that go well with Cycle 1 of Classical Conversations. It would be a very loooong post if I tried to show you everything that will fit, but I hope you've got some ideas to go on!
If you'd like to see more exclusive videos of our books, please click here or the button below:
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Looking for more Usborne and CC match-ups? Here ya go!
Have fun planning for Cycle 1! It's one one of my favorite cycles (Cycle 2 is my absolute favorite!)!

Wow, this is outstanding and I am seriously considering becoming an Usborne consultant. I adore the books.
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