Feb 2, 2014

Opera Cards

Looking to learn more about opera? Perhaps these cards will help!

There's a mess of 'em, too, and they cover all the big names and pivotal operas from 1600 to present day. 24 composer cards and 40 opera cards, all with information on the back, can be yours for the one-time low, introductory price of. . .


That's right, they're free, and I hope they'll bring a blessing to your family.

Verdi is our composer for this month, so we'll be playing little games with these cards. First, I'll show Mary all the opera cards with the ones that Verdi composed (all the big ones are included). We'll read the back of each card and talk about them. Then I'll put a couple Verdi cards out, plus one opera that isn't a Verdi, and then I'll ask her to pick out the one that doesn't belong. Easy cheesy!

As we learn about different opera composers, I'll also have Mary match up the composer card to the opera card. Pretty cool! There are lots of other possibilities, too, such as sorting the composers by musical period, country of origin, etc. It's up to you!

The composer cards are numbered in chronological order from the birthday of each composer. Their nationality, musical period (Baroque, Classical, etc.), dates, famous operas, and a little note are all included on the back of each card.

Each opera card has the composer, premiere date, language, popular aria (solo song) or music from that opera, and a one-liner to help you remember that specific opera or composer.

Here's another look at a couple of the cards:

Click here to get two extra Wagner cards.

And click here to see more of how we're using these cards at home.

If you're really going to start studying opera, I highly, highly recommend picking up this book:

Ticket to the Opera by Phil Goulding is my favorite opera resource, by far! It's funny, informative, and most importantly, not boring! I really think that this book plus the opera cards will be a comprehensive and complete opera study. In my opinion, they're all you need!

In fact, Mary and I saw Carmen last night, and we sat through a pre-show lecture, Opera 101. After making these cards, I was excited to see if I would be able to follow along with what the man was saying (knowing that I wouldn't have been able to a few weeks ago). Well, I'm happy to report that I knew exactly what the expert was talking about! It was the coolest thing ever, and if I can learn about opera, anybody can learn about opera!

Mary and Carmen!

So, have you caught the opera bug?! Ready to get started?!

Click here to download your free set of opera cards!

Click here to get your free Opera For Everyone music and other fun goodies!

And click here to read more of my opera posts.


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  1. You.Are.Awesome! Thanks so much for doing these and sharing them with us for FREE! How great is that? Looking forward to using them at home with the boys. Thank you again!! Leesa C

  2. Thank you so much!!!

  3. He Melody!

    I work for Icon Media Group and we're working on a new title that released the beginning of January and I wanted to see if you might be interested in reviewing it. We'd be looking for a review to post in February, and are happy for you to host a giveaway as well, if you're interested. More information on Chasing God by Angie Smith is below—let me know if this is a title you'd be interested in reviewing. Thanks so much!!

    Icon Media Group

    Chasing God
    Let's be honest: we've all questioned whether or not we're doing this
    "Christianity thing" the right way. Am I really a Christian? If I'm doing
    everything right, why do I feel so far from God? What am I missing?

    Best-selling author and highly sought-after speaker Angie Smith struggled
    with these same questions, and the answers she discovered inspired her new
    book, Chasing God (B&H Publishing, January 2014). In Chasing God, Smith
    unpacks how our earthly, unrealistic expectations of God result in us
    chasing Him, keeping us from following Him.

  4. Thank you Melody! I just printed up some free art cards and now I'm all excited to print up your composer and opera cards. (I'm a bit of an lamination-addict!)

    1. Girl, I LOVE my laminator, too! Ha! I hope you like the cards! :)

  5. Thank you. This is really cool. I like classical music and opera, but definitely have a lot to learn. I'm downloading the cards, pinning this post and going to get started.


    1. What I've learned, Julie, is that opera is just plain carazay sometimes! Enjoy and have fun with it! :)

  6. These look so great! It looks like they will be a help to many moms! Thanks for sharing =)

    1. You're welcome, Amy; I hope you enjoy the cards!

  7. Thank you Melody!...We've been using your outstanding Geo cards at home and CC. Blessings to you:)

    1. Thanks so much, Nicole! I hope the Opera Cards are working out! :)

  8. Thank you for sharing! These are amazing!! :)

    1. Thank YOU for the sweet comment, Tammi! I hope you like the cards! :)


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