Dec 13, 2013

Giveaway #6 - Memory Work System Cards

I'm sure you've seen Homeschool Story's Memory Work System Cards by now. They've been all over the place lately, and for good reason - they're awesome!

We memorize SO much in Classical Conversations; it would be a big ol' waste to let what your child learned in a previous cycle just fall by the wayside. With Jaime Gravitt's Memory Work System Cards, you have an easy way to review each week of every cycle throughout the year. I use these with Mary, and it's helped me to be intentional about reviewing Cycle 1's memory work. I LOVE this system!

There are specific cards for Summer, Winter Break, Memory Masters Practice, and even one for No CC This Week. It's no wonder why this system is one of my favorite things!

Jaime is awesome, and she knows that it's close to Christmas and you don't want to be tied to your laminator right now. She has generously offered to MAIL a laminated set of her Memory Work System Cards to one blessed reader. Isn't she great?! If you happen not win, you can purchase her card system as an instant download (that's what I did this past summer), laminate them yourself, and put them on a ring. Easy cheesy!

Since Jaime will be mailing this out, this giveaway is only to U.S. residents. Ready to enter?! Go for it!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I'd love these since I'm hoping to have my kids try for memory masters next year.

  2. My son is working on being a memory master and this is our first year in CC and our first year homeschooling. PICK ME!!!!

  3. This is our second year with cc and my 5 year old is trying for mm!

  4. Thank you for this. We just put up our world map shower curtain and decided to review last year's geo along with this year's wk1-12.

  5. I always do better when I have a plan telling me what to do than trying to decide for myself. I think this would be very helpful.

  6. This is our first year in CC and I'll take all the help I can get! ; )

  7. First year CC with 4 and 6 year olds on a mission to be memory masters! Merry CHRISTmas! :)

  8. I have yet to review from previous years but have wanted to. This would be perfect. Thanks.

  9. These cards would help so much! Thank you!

  10. Thanks for all of these great resources! Winner or not, I have more tools in my tool belt for CC. Thanks!

  11. We love to review...and these cards would be helpful. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  12. We do review sporadically. We are working with Story of the World, separately from CC, so when we got to that spot where we had learned songs about the American Revolution, etc, we pulled it out and just listened to the songs. The math and timeline repeat yearly, so we review those! :)
    Leesa Chesnut

  13. You know we do. :) LOL!


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