Dec 11, 2013

Giveaway #5 - SQUILT

Today's giveaway is one of my new favorite things because it helps me to be intentional about learning and teaching Classical music to my girls.

Mary at Homegrown Learners is giving away SQUILT Volume 2: Classical Era to one blessed reader! 

What is SQUILT? 

SQUILT stands for Super Quiet UnInterrupted Listening Time, and Mary has used this premise to design a program of Classical music study that is very kid-friendly. Click here to learn more about SQUILT and grab some freebies!

Here are some pictures of my Mary completing her SQUILT page while listening to the music selection:

I love it! She is learning sooo much!

SQUILT is one of my favorite things because the work of finding music and notebooking pages about a composer has already been done for me. Easy! And it's actual lessons; I don't have to try to pull things together from all over creation. I just follow the plan. And in this busy season of life, I like that.

I mentioned in an earlier giveaway how I use SQUILT and Classical Composers Monthly together. If I'm working on a SQUILT lesson with Mary and want to find an additional activity, say a coloring page or word search that's not in the lesson, I look under that specific composer in CCM (they overlap sometimes). No need to search out the internet and spend precious time trying to find just the right activity. If the SQUILT lesson is on a composer in CCM, I know that all the little extras I could want are right there. Lovin' it!

So, are you pumped about teaching your kids Classical music and good listening skills? You can do it, friend, yes, YOU! Even if you know nothing about this beautiful music, SQUILT lessons will help you teach it to your kiddos. Ready to enter for your chance to win SQUILT Volume 2: Classical Era? Go for it!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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I was given a complimentary copy of Volume 2 in exchange for an honest review. I love it, that's my honest review! This page also contains affiliate links. Thanks for your support!


  1. What a nice giveaway. Thank you. :)

  2. I love SQUILT Vol 1! I need Vol 2! :)

  3. My girls take piano from their grandmother...and of course, they all play the tin whistle. One of my daughters has transferred that knowledge to the she bought on her own in Col Williamsburg!

  4. Our youngest is taking piano lessons. But, we do love to listen to classical music here and there. Right now we are going through a Christmas Hymn study.

  5. We don't really do music study, but we have been learning hymns and American folk songs this past year which has been fun. I would love to add more true music study to our lineup!

  6. Great idea to help learn more about music.

  7. We study music through Classical Conversations and private music lessons. This sounds like a great supplement to what we are already doing. I would love to win it.

  8. That sounds like an a great program. We don't do music study yet... I don't have a background myself and I find it intimidating. This would help!

  9. I wish we studied music, but we don't outside of what we learn during our CC day. Would love to change that!

  10. Ummm….guilty feeling…no. We do some at CC. : ) I'd love to incorporate more. If I had a curriculum to just open and go, it's a lot more likely to happen. : ) Kristine C.

  11. we love to listen to classical, my son reads the books about composers at random, nothing formal.
    cs_cooper at Hotmail dot com

  12. Love the idea of SQUILT, and have plans to do some...making it happen is challenging right now, but I am very much looking forward to starting The Nutcracker with the kiddos this week!

  13. I would love to win this! This would be a HUGE help for me in incorporating more classical music into our school time at home. :)

  14. I'm thankful for what we do through CC because otherwise it just wouldn't happen at all. This looks like a great idea!

  15. My L plays piano, lessons from a woman at our church. Thank you!


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