Nov 10, 2013

The Sparkle Box - Review and Giveaway!

The Sparkle Box: A Gift with the Power to Change Christmas is one of those rare children's books that moves you to action. Oh, friends, I cried at this beautiful Christmas story of sharing God's love with others. I cried my happy tears, and then we acted - we began a new family tradition based on this book, and I'm so excited to share it with you! Amid all the good Christmas children's books floating around now, this one is my new favorite!

From the book's website:

Sam is so excited about Christmas! He's thinking about what to put on his Christmas list, anticipating holiday parties and puzzling over one very mysterious gift – a sparkly box sitting on the mantel above the fireplace. Written by Jill Hardie and brought to life by the rich illustrations of Christine Kornacki, The Sparkle Box is a heartfelt Christmas story that celebrates the beauty and excitement of the Christmas season, while gently bringing the true meaning of Christmas into focus through a story that features a powerful Christmas tradition. Children and adults of all ages will be captivated by The Sparkle Box and forever changed when they discover the Sparkle Box is a gift that honors Jesus on his birthday. Readers moved to adopt this faith-centered Christmas tradition in their homes can put a Sparkle Box, included with the book, under their own Christmas tree. 

After reading the story of Sam and his family giving gifts to Jesus by helping others, we wanted to start the sparkle box tradition in our home, too! 

A sparkle box is included with the book (yes!). Mary recently brought cans to a food drive at our church, so she wrote that down and put the paper in the box.

I wrote Matthew 25:40 on the chalkboard in our dining room to help us remember to look for ways we can give Christmas presents to Jesus over the next few months. On Christmas day, we'll open the sparkle box and read the slips of paper together.


That's what Christmas is about, and this book is a wonderful way to switch the focus from getting presents to giving presents - to Him.

Oooh! I just love it, y'all! Check out the official book trailer:

I'm excited for the opportunity to giveaway one copy of this awesome book to a reader living in the US or Canada. The giveaway ends on Friday, November 14. The winner will be contacted by email and will have three days to get back in touch with me. Enter below! Can't wait? Go ahead and pick up the book by clicking the link: The Sparkle Box: A Gift with the Power to Change Christmas  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. We do a Jesse tree every day of December. Our kids look forward to it each year. :-)

  2. Sounds like a great book! Thanks for sharing.

  3. We do a Jesse tree and volunteer events like a fun pajama drive for needy kids through the, which I started out as a volunteer and now run in my state (full disclosure, lol).
    cs_cooper at Hotmail dot com

  4. This sounds like a great book, and I just love traditions that focus on Jesus for
    Christmas ~ thank you for sharing!!

  5. We read stories fro Jesus Storybook Bible that lead up to Christmas.

  6. We have done a Jesse Tree and we read lots of books that point to Jesus at Christmas time. Certainly would like to do more!

  7. We have done the Advent Tree each year, this year I may do it a little differently...been finding great ideas on Pinterest.
    Thanks so much for sharing about this book! :)

  8. We don't have one specific tradition, but we try to come up with something each year that is about serving and giving so that we can keep the true focus!

  9. This book looks great! We started doing a Jesse tree last year and I really loved it (we did Ann Voskamp's version). We didn't get to all of them, but this year I hope we well! I also saw a really neat felt advent thing on Pinterest that is basically Mary and Joseph traveling along the road each day until they reach Bethlehem. I'd LOVE to get crafty enough to make one of those! ;-) ~Stacey

  10. Each year we read one of the books by Arnold Ytreeide, "Bartholomew's Passage," "Jotham's Journey" or "Tabitha's Travels" to prepare our hearts for Christmas. We also have done advent calendars.

  11. Every year we go to church on Christmas eve and sing happy birthday to Jesus.

  12. I love this! I would love to add it in our Christmas tradition. We do a traveling nativity.


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