Feb 18, 2013

CC Lesson Plans - A Review (Sort of)

If you've been here before, you know that I love, love, love Crecia's CC lesson plans over at CCing it one day at a time! I really wanted to do a full-out review of her product, but, sadly, it is just not meant to be. Our weeks have been crazy lately, and we haven't been able to sit down and follow her plans like I want to. But, the fault is on me and not on the plans. Instead of a really great play-by-play review, I'd like to tell you some of my favorite things about them.

First, I love the objectives for each day. I write them on our white board in the dining room each week (where we do most of our school), and Mary and I both look at them everyday. It's great to glance over and know that yes, we are on-target for this week. I finally feel like we have some direction, some measurable goals to accomplish for the week.

I also love all the extra resources she provides in her plans. The book lists and website suggestions are very nice. The key points are incredible, too!

However, what I love most of all are the actual plans for each day. I love that each day is a different subject and that Crecia lays out exactly what to do for that day. Now, I like to plan and piece together things for myself right now, which is one reason why I love Classical Conversations so much: It's not school-in-a-box; I can do whatever I want with the memory work for each week. So, I usually don't follow her plans to the letter every week because I have so much fun planning this stuff out for myself. However, I consider Crecia's lesson plans insurance. If something pops up and I don't have time to pull things together, I've got her plans ready to go just in case. I love that!

So, I do apologize that this is not a better review. I think Crecia's plans are great, and I can tell she's putting her whole heart into making them. I will definitely invest in them next year! If you'd like to read a much more detailed and scholarly review (I've just now realized that I write like a first-grader compared to Brandy - ha! I don't know what's worse, that I sound like a first-grader or that I just now realized it! ;) ), head over to Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood and see what Brandy thinks about the plans. They're great for our family, and I'm so thankful that God has put it on Crecia's heart to create these for all of the busy, busy CC mamas out there!


  1. Hey there girl,
    I wanted to come on here and thank you for this post! You really are all too kind to me. And as always made me laugh out loud.

    I love your plan ideas for 20... I think I might just follow your blog for the remaining year. :)

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Girl, you are so welcome! Thank YOU for all the hard work you're doing on these great lesson plans! And don't you dare stop now, friend; you're on a roll! :) Love ya!


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