Feb 19, 2013

CC Day - Week 17

Today was our CC Day! And since it was Mary's turn to be the Superstar Line Leader (woot!), I thought I'd share her special day with some pictures:

Above, she's helping her fabulous tutor with this week's Latin. All the memory work for this week is on the board, although we rarely spend time in front of it. Mary's tutor has them up and moving quite a bit while they're learning, which is a good thing for this young class (ages 4-7).

After the kids' weekly presentations, we head out to the gym. Two classes are combined here for a little bit of Science. The tutors explain the parts of a volcano and then the kids watch it erupt (thanks to a baking soda mixture).

One of the tutors just said, "Who wants to make their own volcano?!"

Mary's lava was yellow. These little mini volcanoes were very cool (and super easy!).

After Science comes Art. This week, we're studying Michelangelo, so the kids painted a Biblical scene while lying on their backs. 

Mary got pretty messy, but I'm sure Michelangelo did, too. ;)

They were asked to paint a picture of the Garden of Eden. She said her painting was of "the darkness." Um. . . yeah. . . maybe like the darkness before Creation? Not sure on that one.

Class picture! We're missing some special friends, but we hope their families get well soon.

My artist!

After washing up, it was time for some review. To go over the parts of a volcano again, the tutor handed out various hard candy to represent different parts. The Life Saver was the crater, the Laffy Taffy was the billowing cloud of gasses, etc. To end the fun day, the kids played Toy Story Bingo and answered review questions together. Mary was the first one to Bingo and win a trip to the treasure chest (the tutor's treasure stash is much better than ours at home!). She picked out a bracelet and was beaming the rest of the day (she is such a girly-girl, and I am so not). :)

I really just can't express enough how much our family is loving CC and the community - just everything about this awesome program works for us. I love the academic structure of the memory work combined with the weekly camaraderie of meeting in a small group with other families who are learning the same material. I truly feel as though God has led us here, and I'm so thankful to Him for this opportunity to learn alongside my children. Good times!

On another note, do you have leftover Valentine's Day candy? I've got an easy review idea you may like:

I taped the names of our subjects to the candy. If Mary wants a piece, she has to correctly answer the review questions (one on each side). Now I don't feel so guilty about letting her have a piece of candy every once in a while. :)

And on one final note, I'm leaving.

No, not forever, ha! I've been blessed with the opportunity to go on a moms' retreat this weekend (for a whole TWO days and nights!). Needless to say, I am excited beyond words to get away with some of my closest friends and get into God's Word together. I can just sense that God has a lot to say to me, which isn't always easy, but I'm ready for it. My mom is coming over from Mississippi to help the hubs with the girls, but if you think about it, please keep them in your prayers this weekend. I know they'll appreciate it.

Have a happy rest of the week, friends. And as my grandpa says, you've got to make it great!


  1. This may seem like a silly question, but what exactly does the superstar line leader get to do? I am a new tutor this year to the Abecedarians and I really like that idea. Your site by the way has helped me tremendously! Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Not a silly question at all! My superstar kid gets to wear a really cool star sticker, lead the line to the bathroom, science, and lunch, goes first for presentations and games, and gets to hold the pointer and point to the Timeline Cards. Glad you like the blog; thanks for stopping by, friend! :)


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