Jan 18, 2013

Plans: Cycle 1 - Week 17

Mesoamerica - Part 2

* Read SOTW2: pp 305-308 (Cortes and the Aztecs)
* We'll break out our History Pockets and do the activities for the ancient Aztec civilization:

* This site has some AMAZING resources if you're looking to go deeper with this week's memory work:

It has directions for making Montezuma's headdress (wow!), recipe ideas, book suggestions, and more!

* And we'll read some books, of course. However, instead of listing them here, click on the link above for some great book ideas! Really, that site is so great!

* We'll do our usual routine, which is reviewing the memory work with the Map Friends book and Crecia's Geography Cards from CCing it one day at a time:

* For a great list of children's books about South Africa, click here. This one looks really good:

Click here for more details on how to introduce this book to younger kiddos.

* The Earth Science Study Unit is wonderful, so we'll keep doing that each week.
* We'll watch a quick video of a volcano actually erupting (this can be shown with Week 16, too):

* Mary will love coloring this volcano mini book:

* If you didn't get a chance to make a volcano last week, go for it now! Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas has an easy recipe with step-by-step pictures:

Fine Arts
* This CD covers Ghiberti (Week 14) and Michelangelo (this week's artist):

Jim Weiss has such a great voice; we all enjoy listening to his stories!

* I'd love to read this book:

* I'm going to let Mary paint like Michelangelo did in the Sistine Chapel:

Table of 4 has a fabulous Michelangelo lesson all laid out, complete with links and pictures. I really can't wait to hear Mary's thoughts on painting this way!

* And if you'd like, you can take a virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel by clicking here!

* Here's a good video for kids about diligence and Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel:

It's an episode of Adventures from the Book of Virtues.

Christian Missionary/Hero
* David Livingstone is our missionary of the week. He was one of the first medical missionaries to journey into Southern Africa.

Thanks for checking out this week's plans! Remember, I never, ever actually DO all of these ideas. Nope! However, I'm glad that I have a list of all the things I like for this week in one easy-to-find place. Now, if I may leave you with one last thought:

This post is being submitted to Brandy's Weekly Link-Up over at Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood.


  1. Hi Melody...Looking forward to doing some of these ideas this week. We tried the volcano last week...with a bud vase that had a long neck. I let my Sophie put clay all over it and we called it a volcano. We used the peroxide/dish soap/food coloring/yeast mixture. I think the problem was that my vase wasn't quite big enough. It sort of fizzed and came out some, but not the amazing reaction we'd hoped for : ). I think we'll try it again this week with another "recipe" and see how that works! It's just a fun activity and definitely worth trying twice ; ). ~Stacey

    1. Stacey, let me know which volcano recipe works for you and Sophie. I can't wait to make ours! We just started Week 15, so we're a little behind y'all. Hopefully I'll post some pictures of Mount Mary blowing its top in a couple weeks! Isn't homeschooling awesome?! :)


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