Jan 22, 2013

Cycle 2 Memory Work Flip Chart Preview

I really do use my Cycle 1 Flip Chart all the time

I was so bummed when we started having problems with it. Apparently, what shows up on my computer in MS Word, will probably show up a little differently (or just plain crazy!) on yours. Ick! I've been thinking of a way to make next cycle's flip chart better (and a little prettier, of course), and I think I've found the answer - Photoshop.

Take a look:

Each page is still 4x6, perfect for that cheap little album that fits in my purse. However, I got rid of the Fine Arts box and put all the Math facts in. Also, instead of trying to list the Latin memory work each week, I'm going to make a Latin page by itself to keep in the back, so I can just flip to that when reviewing Latin. If you've been using the Cycle 1 Flip Chart, I'd love to know what you think about this one for Cycle 2. Are you okay with no Fine Arts? I'm thinking I'll add it back in for the Great Artists and Composers in the second semester. How's the font? It looks kind of iffy in this picture, but it prints out clear and crisp. What about the colors? Nothing too offensive to the eyes? I have five weeks done so far, but I'd love comments, suggestions, and/or constructive criticism if you plan on using this next year. I'll put it up on C3 when it's finished, which will be sometime next month.

In other news. . .

Mary's been sick for a few days with a fever, so we stayed home from CC today (although now she seems totally fine; thank you, Lord!). It's been FOREVER since we've been to CC. We had the usual break between Thanksgiving and New Year, but then bad weather pushed the returning day back by another week, and then we missed today for sickness. It's been at least 8 or 9 weeks! That's a loooooong time! However, some good things have come out of our extended break: We had the opportunity to read aloud (almost twice now) this wonderful book:

I would tuck in the girls and sit on Anna's bed and read a chapter to them while they fell asleep. Bedtime has become the sweetest time of the day (warm fuzzies). Since we ended with the Muslim Empire in Week 12, Tales of Persia was appropriate and very, very interesting! The chapters are short (3-4 pages), and each chapter ends with a quick Bible reading. The Iranian culture and Islam is presented in a way that my four-year-old daughter could understand, and the missionary stories, which are geared toward elementary students, are just outstanding. I really can't say enough about this book. We love it!

God has brought other good things to our long break, as well. I feel rested and energized to start back on Week 13 this week. It's completely different homeschooling with only ONE child! We knock stuff out SO quickly! But, hopefully Anna will come back home soon. So far, her school is excellent. Today starts her second week, and it's getting a little easier each day for me to see her leave (although she still cries each time, until her daddy starts singing a song from the movie Tangled - he's such a great dad!).

Okay, onto some happier things. . .

I've been on Pinterest a lot lately while Mary's been chillin' in the bean bag watching movies (her favorite activity when she's sick). I'll pin lots of stuff that I really never plan on doing, but, y'know, just in case, right? Well, I decided to actually DO something I saw on Pinterest:

Glowstick bath! The girls LOVED it! 

Both of them were fascinated with the lights. Then I cut open a glowstick, poured it into a jar, added glitter, and MADE PIXIE DUST! It was so cool!

We're big into Disney fairies right now (Rosetta's my favorite), so the pixie dust just made their night. And, it was nice to just have some fun with my girls. I really need to do that more often - just have fun.

It's almost time to pick Anna up from school, so I need to say goodbye for now. Oh, and if you have any ideas or suggestions for the Cycle 2 Flip Chart, please leave a comment below! Thanks for your help!


  1. Just wanted to let you know that I use the flip chart all.the.time (I keep mine in my purse)! Mine did print a little funky, but I can still read everything on the cards. All that to say, I love what you have for next cycle so far ... it looks great! We don't really use the Fine Arts section, so taking that off works for me. I think the colors and font are great.
    Thanks again for all you do to help us other CC moms out!

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah, for the feedback! Yeah, I don't really use the Fine Arts part too much either. I'll just keep going in this direction then. Thanks again, friend! :)

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE mine! In fact the last CC day I was talking to your mom about your site and how you were so awesome to make these. :) The colors, format, changes, and font all rock. Just like you! :)

    I will post about this resource soon! Just let me know when you are ready. :)

    1. Girl, you've been talking to my mom?! ;)

      They're almost done; I'll let you know when they're good-to-go. Thanks for posting about it when they're ready! Hopefully these will work out better than this cycle's. (fingers crossed!) :)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Is Cycle 2 Memory work flip chart still available? I can't find the pdf. I have the other cycles and would love to be able to use it again this year. It's very helpful. Thank you!


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