Jan 4, 2014

Changes to the Blog

Just wanted to let you know that I'm done, I'm quitting blogging, I'm outie. See ya.

Psych! Just kidding!

However. . .

I've made a few changes to the blog recently that I want to tell you about. You won't find any Geography Cards or links to Geography songs anymore. WHAT?! 

Let me explain. . .

The Classical Conversations model has been tried and tested. Leigh Bortins's system works if we follow the model. I love CC and I don't want to do anything that would mess with the system or take away from it. What do I mean? I mean, that I don't want anyone to use my cards or songs and NOT use the CC Foundations Guide. Does that make sense? 

So, from now on, if something is in the Foundations Guide (FG), then I'll post my resources about it only on Classical Conversations Connected, which is also called C3.

But wait! Rembrandt is mentioned in the FG, so you're not going to post ANYthing about Rembrandt? Or Churchill, or Finland, or liquid measurements?

No, what I'm saying is that I don't want to get anywhere close to copyright infringement by singing or posting resources about exactly what's in each week. If I find something cool about Rembrandt, Norway, WWII, or something else we're studying, I'll absolutely pass it along to you. :)

I hope you understand, and I highly encourage you to join C3 if possible. C3 is a file sharing service where other mamas (and dads) post their songs, worksheets, hand motions, and everything in between. The information is sorted by cycle, week, subject, user, and file type, making it very easy to search for specific resources. You can pay by the month (around $6 if you're in an official CC community), or by the year (click here for specifics). Basically, it's awesome, and I use it ALL the time! Click here to read more about the Foundations tier of C3.

All of the History Sentence Cards, Geography Cards, and Geography songs have been uploaded (I converted all the Geography videos into mp3s). And I'll be sure to let you know here on the blog when I post other resources to C3 (like the upcoming Cycle 3 flip chart!).

You can find my cards, songs, and other materials by searching under username: melodystroud.

Again, thank you for understanding as I try to be 'above reproach' in my blogging. As I said earlier, the CC model works, and the model includes being in a CC community where we can get the encouragement and form the supportive relationships that we need to keep us going. Once you're in a community, the C3 fee is very minimal in my opinion ($6 a month). I know that joining a CC community may seem impossible for those families who live in very rural areas, but if that applies to you, maybe you should pray about starting a community. Just an idea. :)

In other news, I have some fun reviews and a giveaway in the works, so I hope you'll check back soon.

Happy New Year, friends, and God bless you as we begin this second semester!

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  1. I have loved using your resources, so I'm really glad you'll continue to make them available! As a fellow CCer, I really, really appreciate you upholding the integrity of CC and Leigh Bortins' program by only making them available on C3! You're right, this method works if you follow it ... and I think having the resources available so widely across the internet, to families who aren't a part of CC, is not only a copyright infringement but also a disservice to those families, as they aren't benefiting from the whole program. Thank you!

    1. Christina, you said it perfectly, and I completely agree. Thanks for your kind words, friend!

  2. I completely agree with Christina. Great job!!

    1. Yes, yes, yes! Thanks for everything, Tammi! :)

  3. This makes total sense to me!! You should know that you nearly sent me into labor with your first sentence!!

  4. way to go! I love what you wrote! They talked to us about copyright infringement and integrity at our tutor training this summer (Brandy Ferrell was our fabulous trainer!), and I learned a lot and realized that I had slipped up with posts I had written last year with cycle 1. I have definitely scrolled back on what I posted on my blog about CC this year because I LOVE CC and didn't want to undermine their amazing work. Thank you this great post!

    1. Yes, I had some big slips, too, Suzanne. And it's easy to justify it all in the name of helping others, but that's just not right. I'm thankful to God that He's brought me to this place, and I'll be in prayer for those who are not currently in a CC community but desire to be. Thanks for the encouragement, friend, and if you ever see something on my blog that might be crossing the line (or even anywhere close to the line at all!), puh-leeeze give me a heads-up! Accountability - gotta love it! :) Blessing to you, Suzanne!

  5. Phew!! You had me going there for a second! LOL
    I know what you mean about not wanting to step on anyone's copyright toes. I had more than a few requests come in asking if I would share the file of the scanned and shrunk timeline cards. I know many of the folks DO have the cards themselves-- However I was nervous about where and how to draw the line. So I just made a decision that I wasn't sharing with anyone. I think a few people were annoyed but I just didn't want to cross any lines with the good folks over at Classical Conversations.

    1. I hear you, girl! We just want to help people out, and I'm sure they have the FG, but still, I just don't think it's on the up-and-up to share anymore. It feels good to have the line drawn though, huh?! :) Thanks for all YOU do, friend! God bless you, and happy second semester!

  6. Glad you want to do the right thing. However, anyone can get the memory work by buying the Cycle 2 app. I have the foundations guide from when I did CC last year, and I agree it is a necessary resource, especially if you want to do the science projects and tin whistle etc. I moved to a community where there is no CC, so we are doing the memory work at home and using the app to do review.

  7. I am somewhat saddened to see that your resources are now only available on CC connected. I LOVE the classical model of education and I purchase the CC resources from CC's website, but simply can't afford the cost of joining a community much less the $60/month fee for CC connected. It was nice to be able to find little extras to make learning the weekly memory work fun for my kiddos. I understand your convictions. I just do not understand how posting resources without actually listing a specific week's information violates a copyright.

  8. Melody, I applaud you for this choice! I too share this conviction, and it was something I was determined to follow from the beginning (when I started making printables, that is). I knew it would result in a lack of "popularity" since it would require people to actually go to C3 to get the resources, but my conscience would be clear. And let's face it, with how little I blog, it's not like I'm trying to win any popularity contests anyway! LOL It's hard because MOST people are legit members of a community (or subscribers to C3... or have the app...) but why risk it? No one would ask for pages and pages of a standard textbook to be copied and passed out free of charge; but when we distribute items with memory work exactly as it's written in the guide, that's basically what we're doing.

    It only grows stronger with Essentials. You're not even allowed to purchase an Essentials guide until you're registered for a class. I had a mom this year who hadn't paid yet but had been sitting in on class, and she wanted copies of the charts we use. We had digital copies that one of the dads had scanned that we distributed to the other parents in the class (you can't even find copies of them on C3). The mom asked for copies of the charts. I didn't know what to do, so I went to my director who then went to our regional director. In the end, I was told until she paid for the class she was not allowed to have any of the printed materials, whether in physical form or digital form. She ended up leaving our campus a few weeks later and never paid for the class. Had I not been tutoring Essentials, I myself probably wouldn't have been so concerned about copyright violations. But seeing how critical it is in Essentials just makes me feel like we should respect the Foundations copyright just as much.

    Sorry for the novel! I just read your other post about cutting back to be present with family, and I think that's wonderful and encourage you to do so. That's why I've dropped off the cyber-face of the earth, too. For everything there is a season, right? :)

  9. Oh me! You almost gave me heart failure. I don't care where you put them as long as you're not leaving us!
    Thanks for all you do!


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