Nov 23, 2013

US Space and Rocket Center Field Trip

Our Classical Conversations community visited the US Space and Rocket Center yesterday! It ended up being a double-blessing - the da Vinci exhibit was included in our trip! Awesome!

Yeah, so this was a little creepy, but, you know Mary, creepy is kind of her thing. She really wanted her picture taken with this... um... breathing suit (I think) that da Vinci invented.

Mary and Leo

I believe the kids you see in this picture above are Space Campers, since they're all wearing blue flight suits. It was really neat to see young teenagers interested in the da Vinci exhibit, and it was cool to see Space Camp kids. I mean, who doesn't love Space Camp?!

The da Vince exhibit included a wall of Renaissance Art!

Mary with her sweet friend

Each year the girls get to pick out one new ornament for the tree. On the way out, we picked up Mary's ornament for 2013 - Saturn! For some reason, she's really into just that one planet, so I was shocked to run across just that one kind of planet ornament in the gift shop - and it's sparkly! Ha! Perfect for my big girl!

Are you planning a trip to the Space Center this year? Now would be a perfect time, since you can learn about space and da Vinci together. The prices are reasonable: $11 a person and five-years-old and under are free. The da Vinci exhibit is leaving March 2, so don't wait too long!

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