Nov 30, 2013

It's Almost Here!

This big-mama of a giveaway starts very soon on Sunday, December 1 -

that's tomorrow!

These will be rapid-fire giveaways, with usually just a day or two to enter each one. We have ten amazing sponsors, including Classical Conversations, A Journey Through Learning, and Homeschool in the Woods, just to name a few. Click here for the complete list!

Trust me, friends, you do NOT want to miss a giveaway! I've decided to keep the prizes a secret until the posts go live, just to make it more exciting!

Are you on pins and needles yet?!

There are a couple of ways you can make sure you don't miss out. First, click here to like the blog on Facebook. Next, you can sign-up to receive And Here We Go! right in your inbox. Subscribe on the right sidebar so you won't miss a single giveaway this December!

See you tomorrow for Giveaway #1!

(so excited!)

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