Apr 19, 2013

CC Day - Week 24!

Really, our last week?! How did that happen?!

For Science these last two weeks, the kids made a car and raced it with their class. Mary really enjoyed decorating hers mostly; she wasn't too worried about construction - ha!

Above, Mary's class is practicing the Orchestra Song. They are the clarinets!

Our first year in CC wouldn't be complete without a pinata! My little girl had no idea what to do with this, and she also apparently has no future in softball, but she sure looks cute holding the baton. ;)

We had a great time and are looking forward to our End-of-the-Year Celebration in a couple of weeks. I've been recruited to put together the slide show, and I think I've found the perfect background music:

Have you heard of The Piano Guys yet? Oh, wow, are they amazing! I've downloaded almost all of their stuff for the slideshow, and I'm so excited! We listen to their music in the car all the time now, too. I found it when Mary requested some cello music one morning, and I'm in love! Apparently, they're a YouTube sensation, so you may already be familiar with them. If not, check them out! Oh, and they're Christians!

Last night was our community's last Moms' Night Out for the year. We had a fun time discussing CC, homeschooling stuff, and life in general. I love these ladies! While we were talking, I thought of an idea, kind of a spin-off from an earlier idea about making a photo book of each of my children for each year of school (Thanks again to Sarah for sharing that idea!). Since Mary starts Kindergarten this coming school year, it's the perfect time to begin this project. Well, here's the twist: I'm going to make the photo book (hardback, probably Shutterfly or something similar), but I'm going to have it completed and printed BEFORE the last day of CC. Then, we can bring it to CC on our last day and have her friends sign it - it's now a yearbook! Aaaahh! I just love it! So, that's my plan for next year. I'm still going to ask her tutor to sign the Dr. Seuss book; we started that tradition this year, and we'll use the book with all of her activities (ballet, music, Sunday School, etc.). But her new yearbook will just be for her school memories, that's what I'm thinking right now. 

Oh, and another fun idea that came out of the MNO was to put magnets on the back of the Timeline Minis so you can rearrange them (and store them) on a magnetic white board. 

Lots and lots of good ideas were discussed with some amazing mamas, but these are the only ones I can remember right now. You see, today is Mary's birthday, and she decided to get up at 4 a.m. to start celebrating. As you can imagine, I'm kind of out of it right now, to say the least. She's napping before Round 2 begins, and I better get some sleep, as well, if I'm to keep up with her tonight.

Have a great weekend, friends!

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