Jan 17, 2013

Plans: Cycle 1 - Week 16

Mesoamerica - Part 1

* Read SOTW2: Ch. 32 - Mayans and Aztecs
* Read SOTW1: Ch. 26 - The Heads of the Olmecs
* Watch "Cracking the Mayan Code" free on Amazon Prime (also on Netflix Instant Que) or here on Youtube:

Disclaimer: Mayans participated in human sacrifice. I know, it's icky and terrible. So please, please, watch these videos first and decide if they're appropriate for your children or not. Anything I post for my plans are just things that I would like to do myself or plan on doing the next time Cycle 1 rolls around. Some of the stuff is too mature for my little preschooler, but I post it here so I can remember it later. I try to watch the videos I recommend, but I don't always get around to it - I do apologize for that. I have not watched all of these Mayan videos, but a sweet reader let me know that one of these has a little too much of the human sacrificing for her taste. Again, please watch before showing your kids. :)

* Watch "National Geographic: Dawn of the Maya" on Netflix Instant Que or here on Youtube:

* There are other videos listed on my Pinterest board for this week, so be sure to check them out if you're interested (Pinterest button can be found on the right sidebar).
* Read a book or two:

This book above received a bad review on Amazon, but also some good ones. My girls happen to like this series, so I don't think we'll have a problem, but, as always, find what works best for your family.

* We'll use Crecia's Geography Cards from CCing it one day at a time each week to review our memory work:

* I'd love to play this game, too, while we're studying Africa:
* And, of course, we'll keep reviewing with our Map Friends Review Book:

* We'll do this week's lesson in our Earth Science Study Unit:

I love how this curriculum takes everything back to the Bible - just plain awesome!

* I'll have Mary do this page and then color it, which will be a big hit:

* This printable volcano model looks pretty interesting:

* This is a neat site with information about volcanoes:

* And of course, how can you study volcanoes without actually making one?! We're going to follow Spell Outloud's lead for our experiment:

Did you read her blog post about volcanoes with preschoolers? Too cute! I can't wait!!

UPDATE: We made one!!

* If you're really into cooking, which I am not (Shocker! I home school and I don't like cooking. Y'all, I don't even like to bake!), you can make a volcano dinner:

* Finally, we'll play the Escape the Volcano review game this week and next week:

We'll adapt this to review our memory work up to this point. It looks like so much fun!

* Have you ever seen the Sir Cumference series? Well, they're really cute math story books, and since we're getting into Geometry now, we'll be checking them out of the library for the next few weeks:

Christian Missionary/Hero
* Rowland Bingham is our missionary this week. He served God faithfully in Africa, specifically in Sudan.

* And George Washington is our hero this week (goes with our Timeline memory work)

Click here for George Washington coloring pages. For my absolute favorite patriotic resources, including more Washington ideas, click here.

For my complete Cycle 1 schedule of Christian missionaries and heroes, click here.

If you haven't heard of Crecia's weekly lesson plans yet at CCing it one day at a time, go check them out! We're planning to use them each week and pick a few things from this planning list to supplement.

Need more ideas? Pinterest is FULL of them, just search 'Classical Conversations' and be amazed at all the great ideas out there. There are also plenty of great CC bloggers out there, too, who offer up wonderful resources and suggestions for making the memory work really come to life (check out the Weekly Link-Up button below)! And, if you're new to all of this, I highly recommend that you start at Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood and go from there. Brandy's resources are incredible! Whatever you decide to do for this week and beyond, have a great time learning with your kids!

Step with care and great tact.
And remember that life's a great balancing act.
~ Dr. Seuss

This post is being submitted for the Weekly Link-Up at Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood.


  1. Once again, thanks for sharing your lesson plans and ideas! I love the volcano dinner idea!

    1. Hi, Leslie! I'm so glad you find these plans helpful! If you do the volcano dinner, I absolutely want to hear how it goes! I'm too chicken to try it; I'm not a very good cook. God bless you, friend! :)

  2. Hi Melody,
    I absolutely love reading your CC lessons...you really help me out! : ) As I was planning one day my little girl (5) was looking with me at your blog and was looking at your little girls' pictures. Later she asked me, "Mom, are we going to look at Mrs. Melody's stuff that she does with her little girls Mary and Anna?" : ) I know my kids are going to love the volcano movie (they love Magic School bus) and I hope we can tackle making a volcano this week! Thanks again! God bless, Stacey

    1. Stacey, I love your profile picture; how sweet! I'm so glad the lesson plans can help your family, and your daughter sounds completely adorable! How cute! Yes, I'm hoping to tackle the volcano project, too. Let me know if you make one and how it turned out! Have a great week, friend. :)

  3. Love your shares! And thanks for the advance note about the first couple of videos. We are going to try the Volcano Dinner and we will let you know how it turns out. BTW, the Magic School Bus has been removed but we did find it here:
    Hope to visit again soon!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Ruthie, and thanks for the heads-up about the MSB link. I would LOVE to hear how the volcano dinner goes, and props to you for being a fun mama for giving it a try! Awesome! :) God bless you, friend!


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