Dec 13, 2012

What We've Been Up To...

Since my last post . . .

. . . Mary has started playing 'school,' although she calls it CC. Ha! I remember doing this when I was little, so I think it's absolutely adorable. In the picture above, she 'organized' all her students for a class photo . . .

. . . we got a bean bag, a big one! This a five-footer from Ultimate Sack, and it's sooo great! It came with a free foot stool, which you can see in the back. We're seriously considering getting another one so the girls don't fight over it, that's how awesome this thing is . . .

. . . we put the tree up and decorated for Christmas. The girls know the rules about not touching the ornaments (see video here!), but Frisky, well, not so much . . .

. . . Nana (my mom) came to visit for a few days (woohoo!) . . .

. . . Mary wore a Santa hat for the first time . . .

. . . the girls played at Grandmother's house . . .

. . . and Anna worked on her camera-smile! 

Notice how there's not one picture of us doing school stuff. Oh, how Anna's diagnosis has helped me to mellow-out! Now I'm working on finding a balance. I can't just let everything go and blow off all the work we've done, but some things don't seem as important as they once were. My heart is just in a different place at this moment, know what I mean? But I do need a balance.

And, a balance will come.

School is certainly important, and the bonds we're creating while spending time together, whether it be doing school or playing with dolls, is what really matters to me now. God is so good, y'all. He's letting all this happen at just the right time. Mary's only four, so taking time off is not an issue. And with this being Christmas time, and everyone else not doing school, it makes me feel a little better about not hitting the books with my big girl. 

In related news . . .

Anna's MRI, which was scheduled for earlier this week, did not go as planned. We drove two hours to Birmingham, denied this precious girl food and drink for so many hours, and then they couldn't even do the procedure. They have to put her to sleep for the MRI, so they tried to put an IV in to administer the 'magic milk' that would put her in a deep nap. Each time they tried to stick her, the vein would blow. Oh, friends, this was just torture, torture, torture on everyone. We were not in the room with her at this point, but we could hear everything. I can't tell you how many times she cried out for me. Terrible, terrible. So, they ended up not being able to do it. We've been rescheduled for this Monday at a different hospital that has IV therapy, whatever that is. They've assured us that this will work and that we will have the MRI done that day. Please, please keep us in your prayers on Monday. The MRI will check for brain tumors and any abnormalities, which sometimes, but certainly not always, go along with Gorlin Syndrome. In the meantime, we've been staying in the house for-EVER because she has to be healthy to get the anesthesia. It just so happens that there is a flu epidemic (no lie!) in Huntsville right now. Needless to say, we ALL have cabin fever.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and encouragement. I hope your holidays are off to a great start, friends. Hug your littles extra tightly today!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Whitney! I always appreciate your prayers, friend. :)

  2. Friend so glad to read that you are giving school a break. We can get so caught up in all the "doing" that we miss those simple precious moments. Take time to just be with your girls.

    I do hope that your MRI went much better than last week today. Having just had blood drawn in the ER myself this week, I just about cried when I read what happened to your little girl. May God continue to give you and her strength. Blessings to all of you and our prayers are with you all.

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers, Yvana! Yes, it all went much better this last time. Sorry to hear about your trip to the ER. How frustrating when they can't figure out what went wrong. But please know that you are in my prayers, friend. Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family! :)


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