Nov 2, 2012

Little Ballerina

Anna always cries big crocodile tears when Mary gets to go to ballet and she doesn't. Well, I finally decided to sign this poor child up for her own ballet lessons, and we started yesterday! Anna and I are taking a Mommy and Me class at the local ballet school, and she had a blast!

It was great, too, because we already knew the teacher and almost half of the girls are also in Anna's music class on Fridays. But, I'm finding that anytime we start something new with other children Anna's age, it takes a little bit of time for me to get adjusted again to the differences that I notice between my child and the others. I keep going back and forth, too. Is she 'special needs,' or is she just developing at her own speed like every other child? When we're home, I think she's just like everyone else, except that her facial features are a little different. But when she's around others her age, like yesterday at ballet, the differences slap me in the face again. I just don't know! God is definitely trying to teach me patience. We still don't know what's going on with Anna yet, medically (if you're out of the loop, see this post). The test results could be back any day now; it's officially been over eight weeks since her blood was taken to the lab. But, the lab is Maryland, so I'm expecting a delay due to the Storm. We were invited to go play at the park today, but we had to decline. The park is in the sun, and it will be the middle of the day. Sigh...  But, I am thankful to our Creator for letting me be Anna's mommy, and I'm thankful that she has a heart full of love. She gave each new friend a nice, sweet, gentle (woohoo!) hug before class started yesterday. She may or may not be 'special needs' at this point (I'm obviously not good at evaluating stuff like this, and my emotions go all over the place - not too objective. ha!), but this little ballerina certainly has a special place in her mama's heart. God is so good!


  1. I think of you so often and sweet Anna. praying that He will sustain you in this "in-between" time of waiting for the results. thankful for His future grace; He will give you the grace that you need tonight, tomorrow, and every day in the future. much love!

    1. Thanks so much, Suzanne! We should know maybe tomorrow or Wednesday. Prayers are certainly appreciated, friend! :)

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