Oct 11, 2012

Plans: Cycle 1 - Week 11

Sadly, I don't have a general theme to rally around for Week 11.
I think we'll make it, though. ;)
Here's what we plan on doing this week (as of right now!):

* Read SOTW1: Ch. 39 (Constantine).
* Read SOTW2: Ch. 4 (Justinian), 18-20 (Crusades).
* Read this short printable about the Byzantine Empire.
* Here is an article explaining the eight Crusades.
* Read another printable about Justinian.
* And read this short printable about Justinian's Code from Mr. Donn (his stuff is always great!)
* Here is a great link to crafts about the Byzantine Empire. My girls are too young to really do these, but I thought I'd pass them along anyway. :)
* Read a book or two:

The history sentence this week can take you in a plethora of directions. It starts with 313 AD, then mentions Basil II (who ruled the Byzantine Empire from 976 to 1095), and then ends with, "which led to the Crusades," with the first crusade beginning in 1095. Lots to work with! When my girls are older, we'll use this week to focus on the Crusades, since they're mentioned this week in both Timeline and History. However, I think our family will just stick to reading the internet articles, chapters in SOTW, and the book listed above. The next time we go through Cycle 1 we'll probably get more creative and do some Medieval stuff!

* Read SOTW2: Ch. 4, 23-24 (Byzantine Empire).
* Read Acts, Chapter 11 (talks about Antioch).
* Here is a good article with Scripture references about Paul's trip to Athens. Here is another one with a picture of Mars' Hill in Athens.
* Here is quick article with pictures of Ephesus that we'll look at, too.
* Keep working in our Map Friends Review Book.
* Although we've been studying Christian missionaries, we'll use this week to learn about a Christian martyr, Perpetua. Her story takes place in the Roman province of Carthage, and while that's back in Week 6's memory work, I thought we would give it a try anyway.

Here is the resource page on The Torchlighters website; it has coloring pages and other activities that go along with the story. Here is a little snippet of the video to see if it's something your family would be interested in getting. And here is her biography for kids. 

* Label the parts of a flower using this free download:

* Do some crafts:

Thumbprint hyacinth! This is just too sweet!

Flower Diagram

Rainbow Carnations! I cannot wait to try this!

* Keep pointing and singing with our Math Review Book.

Looking for more Week 11 ideas? Be sure to check out the Cycle 1 Weekly Link-Up over at Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood! Can you believe the first semester is almost over?! With little ones, the days are long, but the years are short. So true. Where has time gone?!


  1. Girl, you are so ahead it's scary. Do you dream about plans while you sleep? Seriously though thanks for keeping us all ahead of the game. :) you're rocking!

    1. Ha! Thanks, Crecia! I'm trying to get as much done before we hear about Anna's test results at the beginning of next month. We don't know what God has in store, and there's a chance that school will be the furthest thing from my mind soon, hence all the plans. God bless you, friend!

  2. I understand. I will keep praying. I thought you guys would have found out by now. That must be a bit nerve wrecking!

    Anyhow- I think you can just coast after the last post! You are amazing!

    God is certainly using you in all your gifts and talents and I love reading your blog. Have a great week and know that Anna is in the Hands of the one who created the universe. I pray you have a great week!

    1. Oh, Crecia, I needed to hear that. Thank you, friend! Yes, I definitely think some coasting is coming my way soon. I have a couple more posts running through my head, but we'll see what happens after that. Thank you for your prayers, and I pray that you have a wonderful week, too! :)

  3. I LOVE your link-ups. They are great for my family. I especially love the way you incorporate the missionaries and martyrs. Thanks!

    1. Thanks, Allycia, for the sweet comment! I'm so glad that these plans can help your family. Glad you stopped by, friend! :)


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