Jul 18, 2012


I am a die-hard jump-right-in sort of girl. I started researching homeschooling options before my oldest daughter was two. I love, love, love to plan! I ran across the classical approach and knew this was what I wanted to do. Then as Mary grew and her personality developed, I thought I would go with a different method that was literature-based to appeal to her love of books. However, as the year went on, I wasn't really comfortable with that much freedom; I wasn't exactly sure where I was taking my little one, if that makes sense. I didn't find a rhyme or reason, and we certainly didn't hit any kind of rhythm. Of course, she was three, and so I wasn't expecting too much. At the end of this past spring, a friend told me about Classical Conversations (insert Hallelujah Chorus here!). I hurried home, looked it up, fell in LOVE, and emailed our local director about any available K4 spots. Did I mention that I like to jump in with both feet? Classical Conversations (CC) offers a framework for classical education, actual goals, and a community of like-minded Christian families. This was a no-brainer for us. So, we're all signed up, sight unseen, and we've been rockin' to the new Timeline Song for about a month now. I've been scouring the internet for ideas and lesson plans (Pinterest is addicting!), which I absolutely love to do, and I've been reading some outstanding CC blogs, namely Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood. If you want to know more about CC, check out Brandy's site; it's simply jaw-dropping how much information she has gathered! So, in keeping with my do-or-die personality, I decided to start a homeschooling blog, too. I plan on posting my weekly plans, hits and misses, and general homeschool mumbo jumbo. Mainly, I want to have a place where it's okay if I talk about school stuff all the time (I know my hubs will appreciate the break!). Thanks for checking out the new site. Enjoy!


  1. I had no idea you had a new homeschool blog. How did I miss this? :) Looking forward to learning more about your sweet family and how you do things.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jamie! I didn't tell hardly anyone I was starting this blog, I just did it. So, you didn't miss a memo. :) I'm glad you found me!


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