Jul 22, 2012

Plans: Cycle 1 - Week 2

This is our week for all things Ancient Egyptian! Mary has really latched on to this time period, so I hope she's going to have a blast this week!

* I matched up the Bible stories I want to read each day with our Timeline Cards. To see what that looks like, check out this post.
* Since our memory work is the second half of the Ten Commandments, we'll keep reading that (click here to see how I made a Memory Work Flip Chart).
* We'll also go a little back in time to the plagues, Exodus, and the crossing of the Red Sea to tie in our geography memory work. I've printed out and laminated these super-cute plague people from 1+1+1=1 (great site!) for us to act out the story (not sure if it's appropriate to say the 'plague' and 'super-cute' together, but it's just the truth).

* I also want to read Daniel 3 about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Babylon, which ties back into geography again.
* And of course the girls will color an insane amount of Bible coloring sheets while I read these stories, I'm sure. ;)
* This could go under History, but I'll just stick it here... To finish off the week, we'll have a movie night and watch Prince of Egypt, which is already the girls' favorite movie. Yes, it's not entirely Biblically accurate, but it's a movie about this particular time period, and one of the fun things we like to do is point out what's true and what's not while we watch it. And the music is ah-mazing!

Seriously, I cannot tell you how many times we've all put 'stacks of bricks' on our backs and pretended to be Israelite slaves after watching this movie. Ha! And yes, sometimes slaves can wear princess dresses and carry fairy wands.

* Continue reading our books about prepositions
* Begin our Busy P's preposition project:

* Read about our memory work places that are found in the Bible:

Red Sea - Exodus 10:19, 13:18, 15:4
Babylon - Daniel 3 (the fiery furnace)

* Listen to SOTW1: Chapters 7, 16 on the Assyrian Empire
* Color maps of the Assyrian Empire and locate our memory work places

Wow! There is just SO much we could do for Ancient Egypt; it's really hard to narrow it down!

* Color lots of coloring pages while we listen to our SOTW audio:

* Listen to Egyptian Treasures audio while we work on on Ancient Civilizations History Pockets:

Click on the picture above to see some great ideas on studying Egypt with the History Pockets, as well as some wonderful books that we've also collected based on her recommendation.

* Do some crafts:

Who wouldn't want to mummify a Barbie? This is just too cool! Update: We actually attempted this! Check it out here.

A marshmallow pyramid? Why not?! My girls won't be able to do this yet, but it's just too fun not to share.

* Eat some fun snacks:

Are these not the CUTEST hot dog mummies you've ever seen?!

* Read some good books:

The picture is kind of tiny, but the above book is Mary's favorite on Ancient Egypt. It's a fictional story that goes along with the facts; it's a fun read.

This is another book in the You Wouldn't Want to Be series, and it's another winner in our home, too.

This is a really neat book that shows what happened to the pyramids over time. And there's even a Where's Waldo' aspect to it, as some characters are hidden on each page.

This is great book that covers many of civilizations we'll study in Cycle 1.

These are just some of our favorite books on Ancient Egypt that we'll be using this week. There are a plethora of children's books available on this subject, and I've got many more that we'll use listed on Pinterest, too. (Actually, I've got tons of more goodies and ideas on my Pinterest boards, so if you're looking for more, you can click the Pinterest button at the top of this page and head on over there.)

* And we'll end the week with an Egyptian feast, complete with costumes (hopefully!):

* Read some more books (we like to read, can you tell? ;)  ):

* Possibly do this activity to help memorize the five kingdoms:

* And more coloring pages (surprised, right):

I honestly don't have much Science planned for this week. I'm anticipating that we'll spend most of our time in Ancient Egypt, which is just fine with me. :)

I don't plan on updating my Math, Language Arts, Latin, and English subjects for each planning post in the future. For English, just know that we'll keep plugging away at the memory work and Busy Ps project until the helping verbs are introduced in Week 13. The Language Arts and Latin will be the same as described in my Week 1 planning post, and Math is slow-going right now. If I come across any great ideas or resources in any of these subjects, I'll be sure to pass them along.

Be sure to check out what other CC mama have planned for Cycle 1 - Week 2 over at Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood's weekly link-up!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing what CC looks like for you at home. Your ideas are wonderful; what an excellent resource for us as we start our first year of CC!

  2. Jordin, thanks for stopping by! I hope to update the site weekly, especially after our CC starts up at the end of the month. I'm so glad this is your first year of CC, too! I love how much we can all learn from each other; community is such a wonderful thing!

  3. I just stumbled upon your blog, searching for review games and resources for CC. I really appreciate your site, the thoroughness of it all! I cant imagine having to change directions like yall have, but it looks like God is doing big things in your home and as an outsider, peeking in, I see that He is going to continue that work!


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