Oct 29, 2014

Christmas Gift Idea #2 - Wind-Ups!

In anticipation of our first Mystery Hostess Facebook book party, I'm spotlighting some of Usborne's most popular books that make amazing Christmas gifts!

The new Slot-Together Castle with an Usborne Book was last week's top pick, and many of you have already picked up a few to put under your tree - thank you! Early shoppers are entered into the drawing to be the Mystery Hostess this Saturday night and take home TONS of FREE Usborne books! Woot! Click here to see all the goodies up for grabs!

My next top pick for Christmas comes in a variety of themes for the younger set:

Our Wind-Up books are just

so much fun!

See below or click here to see the popular Race Car book in action on my You Tube channel!

Another great choice is our Wind-Up Pirate book! Click here or see the video below:

We also have Wind-Up Bus, which takes a fun tour though London, and Wind-Up Tractor!

If your child is too young to handle the wind-up action (GREAT for building fine motor skills, by the way), give our Pull-Backs (aka Busy Books) a try! Click here or see below for our popular Pull-back Busy Bug Book:


We also have Busy Helicopter, Busy Train, Busy Santa, and Busy Car!

I hope you'll join me THIS Saturday at 8 p.m. CST for the fun online FB party! Put your kiddos to bed, grab some snacks and your book wish list, and then head over to my Facebook page by clicking here! To be entered into the drawing to win all the free books and discounts, place your order before or during the party by clicking here!

See you this Saturday night!

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