Oct 18, 2014

Christmas Gift Idea #1 - Castle!

In anticipation of our upcoming Mystery Hostess FB book party on Nov. 1st (woot!), I'm going to be spotlighting some of Usborne's BEST books and activities to put under your tree!

First up is our new Slot-Together Castle with an Usborne Book!

My six-year-old daughter and I had a blast putting it together and playing with it! If you're looking for a gift to keep you child happily busy after the presents have been opened (and I mean seriously busy, like so busy you might not see him or her again until dinner!), check out this castle:

It took me about 10 minutes to pop out all the pieces, and then another 30 to assemble, but Mary started playing with the people before it was even finished. She had a blast with just the king and queen!

The instructions are step-by-step (nice!).

The people actually have backs! I love that they're not the same on each side!

The cardboard is very sturdy and thick.

We recently saw The Neverending Story, which inspired Mary to bring her big Moo-Moo cow into play. Why not, right? ;)

Prisoners in the dungeon! This castle comes with everything, even a horse and battering ram! In fact, there are 21 sheets of pre-cut pieces, 90 pieces in all!

Look at this face in the next picture:

THAT, my friends, is Reason #18 of why I'm a consultant! Her excitement for books, for learning, for READING (and pretend play with this awesome castle while I read the book to her), is just so encouraging to me!

I'm sure you've all heard the statistics of the benefits of simply having books in your home. It's life-changing, it really is!

"Books you can't put down are a lot easier to find when you pick them up."(read that somewhere)


Doing what I'm doing, being an Usborne consultant, I can always say 'yes,' when Mary asks if she can have that book about cats, or volcanoes, or the newest Billie B. Brown book - and that's such a good feeling. I have a lifetime discount, so I know that I will never pay full-price for any of our amazing Usborne books! If you're interested in learning how you can FILL your home with award-winning children's books and make an investment in the lives of your kiddos, please click here.

Here's another great visual of the importance of reading and reading aloud:

Back to the cool castle... ;)

I mentioned a second ago the accompanying book, and to get a better understanding of how incredible this castle and book are, please check out my quick video:

The Slot-Together Castle with an Usborne Book is $41.99, and you can get yours by clicking here

Don't forget about our Mystery Hostess FB Book Party on Sat. evening, November 1st at 8 p.m. EST on Facebook!

 Be sure to like my FB page and drop in at 8 p.m. at the page to join the party! One blessed mama will be randomly selected to win ALL of the free books and discounts! Click here to see all the discounts (you're going to want to see these if you haven't already!) To get your name in the drawing, all you have to do is place an order online before or during the party. If you're busy that night, just go ahead and shop now, and then send me a message letting me know you did. Easy peasy! I'll notify you if you win Mystery Hostess, and you can get TONS of free and discounted Usborne books in time for Christmas!

I hope you'll join me for a fun online book party on Nov. 1st, and please check back soon for my next Christmas gift idea!

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