Dec 8, 2013

History Sentence Cards - Second Semester

History Sentence Cards for Weeks 13-15 are up on C3!

Search for username: melodystroud

We scramble these up and Mary puts them back in order as she sings the song. I also use them when I tutor, and the kiddos seem to like the pictures. Click here to learn more about the history cards.

I plan to have the rest of the weeks' cards finished before the new year, but we'll have to see. Lots going on around here, as I'm sure it's the same with you, too. :)

Have a restful Sunday, friends!

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  1. Love these cards! Thanks for all your hard work making these. :)

  2. Great Visual aids, which seem to be what my 6 year old wants/needs more of. thanks so much for taking the time to make these.

  3. Love, love, love these cards for my ABCers! Thank you! However, I CANNOT find weeks 13-15 on C3. Am I doing something wrong?


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