Dec 5, 2013

Giveaway #3 - Classical Composers Monthly

Classical Composers Monthly really is one of my favorite things! I'm so excited that creator Erica Johns, a fellow CC mama, has joined the Merry Christmas giveaway event!

Click here to see how we use CCM in our homeschooling. Our Fine Arts Fridays (mentioned in that link) have been a little lax lately, but we're beginning to pick it back up. I've started using Homegrown Learner's SQUILT program, too, and that goes SO well with Classical Composers Monthly! I'll explain more of how I use them together when the SQUILT giveaway goes live later this month. So, if you already have SQUILT and think CCM would be overkill, let me tell you, it's totally not

Erica is offering one collection, ANY collection, free to the winner! Here are your choices, and be sure to leave a comment letting me know which one you'd like. 

Collection 1
Franz Peter Schubert, Antonio Vivaldi, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Joseph Haydn, Johann Sebastian Bach, Peter Tchaikovsky, Carl Maria von Weber, Felix Mendelssohn, Ludwig van Beethoven, Bela Bartok, Paul Hindemith, Frederic Chopin, Johannes Brahms

Collection 2
Igor Stravinsky, Darius Milhaud, Edvard Grieg, Franz Liszt, Gustav Holst, Camille Saint-Saens, Dmitri Shostakovich, Johann Strauss II, Erik Satie, Claude Debussy, Antonin Dvorak, Gabriel Faure, Sergei Prokofiev

Collection 3 (Composers and Artists)
Composers:  Debussy, Bach, Verdi, Rossini, Puccini
Artists:  Renoir, Ruisdael, de Hooch, Seurat

Click here for the Claude Monet freebie!

Renaissance Artists Collection
Bellini, Bosch, Botticelli, Donatello, Durer, Masaccio, Mantegna, Michelangelo, Tintoretto, Titian, van Eyck

Great Artists, Collection 1
Cezanne, Da Vinci, Dali, Degas, Delacroix, El Greco, Gauguin, Manet, Matisse, Picasso, Raphael, Rembrandt, Van Gogh

Fine Arts Pages Collection 1
Mona Lisa (da Vinci), Starry Night (van Gogh), A Sunday on La Grande Jatte (Seurat), The Scream (Munch), Portrait of Dora Maar (Picasso), Supper at Emmaus (Caravaggio), Apple and Oranges (Cezanne), The Great Wave (Hokusai), The Son of Man (Magritte), Surprised! (Rousseau), Yellow-Red-Blue (Kandinsky), The Maids of Honor (Velazquez), Girl with a Pearl Earring (Vermeer), The Kiss (Klimt), Hunter in the Snow (Brueghel), The Fighting Temeraire (Turner), Dance at the Moulin de la Galette (Renoir), The Water Lily Pond (Monet), Self Portrait (Rembrandt), The Arnolfini Portrait (Van Eyck), Number 6 (Pollock), A Bar at the Floies-Bergere (Manet), Dancers in Blue (Degas), Nafea Faaipoipo (Gauguin), Ophelia (Millais)

Fine Arts Pages Collection 2
Narcissus (Caravaggio), A Young Girl Reading (Fragonard), The Veiled Woman (Raphael), The Persistence of Memory (Dali), Bedroom in Arles (van Gogh), Girl With a Watering Can (Renoir), The Jockey (Toulouse-Lautrec), Succession (Kandinsky), Electric Prisms (Delaunay), An Orchard in Spring (Monet), The Hunt (Monet), Sorrows of the King (Matisse), One of the Family (Cotman), The Owl and the Pussycat (Blake), Children’s Games (Bruegel), Thanksgiving (Lee), The Soul of the Rose (Waterhouse), The Bitter Drink (Brouwer), Woman Meditating (von Jawlensky), The Rainbow Landscape (Rubens), Census at Bethlehem (Bruegel), Polperro II (Kokoschka), Field Under Thunderclouds (van Gogh), Tahitian Landscape (Gauguin), and Haymaking (Bruegel)

Click here to learn more about the Fine Arts Pages and grab a sample!

Fine Art Pages button large

I have all the Fine Art Pages printed out in a binder (because, you know that I love my binders!). One picture is taped up in the bathroom and another by the time-out bench, so the girls are sure to see them often - ha! I switch out the pictures every week or so, and it's been a great way to just enjoy looking at different works. No pressure, no lessons, just looking.

In addition to the giveaway, CCM has a Christmas Classics freebie available right now. It's packed with tons of free Christmas music, videos, and links to other Christmas goodies! Click here to check it out!

Christmas Classics Freebie

Are you ready to enter this awesome giveaway?! The winner will be announced on Saturday, Dec. 7. I'll contact the winner, and you'll have 24 hours to respond. Please check your spam folder! I'd hate for you to miss out on this prize because you never saw my email. Okie dokie... ready? Go for it!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Sounds great. We would love to give this program a try. Thank you.

  2. How to pick?!? I guess I would start at the beginning with #1. Thanks for another great giveaway! Hope little Anna is feeling good today! You are all in our prayers!

  3. Sounds wonderful. We would love to learn more and use CCM.

  4. I would start with Collection 1 - we would love all of it, I'm sure!
    Thank you for this giveaway!
    cs_cooper at Hotmail dot com

  5. These sound great. I would probably pick Collection #3. Thanks for sharing. Love your favorite things!

  6. Lets start at the very beginning....a very good place to start! This looks unbelievable. I'm so thankful for your giveaways because I'm learning so much! This is my first year doing CC and I'm blown away by all you creative mommas!

  7. Amazing stuff, what a great way to learn and appreciate art! I would love Fine Arts collection 2 for our home!

  8. Thanks for the opportunity! I would probably pick the Great Artists Collection.

  9. I would love to win this & incorporate more classical music in our home. I do have A quick question. Do you just use Fridays as a fine arts day or do you also do "regular" school as well - math, spelling, grammar, CC review? We already give up a day for CC & I want to make sure We get the essentials in on our other 4 days.

  10. Wow, what a great resource! My kids study stringed instruments through a Suzuki music program; I'm sure that they'd get a kick out of the Classical #1 set.

  11. Ooh, all the collections look great, but I'd probably choose the Renaissance collection. Thanks for the chance to win!


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