Dec 17, 2013

Giveaway #8 - Wisdom and Righteousness Lapbook

I can't believe we're up to Giveaway #8 already! Wow; this month has flown by! There will be two more giveaways after this, with the winner of the 'big finish' announced on Christmas Eve. How exciting! 

Now, on to today's giveaway!

Karen at Wisdom and Righteousness is generously offering one blessed reader a copy of her My Memory Work lapbook for Cycle 2 (a $29.95 value)!

From her website:

As you can see, these lapbooks are more than just blank templates with lines and pictures!  They help the student interact with the information – labeling parts, sorting objects, identifying terms all in an easy-to-use, straightforward format!   In just minutes a day, your student can have a treasured keepsake that will be used long after the cycle has ended, and help to ensure your student doesn't lose what they worked so hard to remember!  These fantastic resources are jam-packed with creative templates! Just cut, fold, paste and go!

And I totally agree! Karen has put together a fabulous year-long project with all of Classical Conversation's memory work. And if you've never lapbooked, don't let that stop you from entering this giveaway. Karen has a whole page of links to video tutorials that she's put together to help you in your lapbooking journey.

Not into file folders? No worries! The Cycle 2 book comes with the binder option, which, of course is what I used because I have a teensy-weensy obsession with binders:

I had a chance to interview Karen earlier this year with a similar giveaway. Please click here to read that post and review (tons of pictures of the lapbook), then come back and enter this awesome giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Haven't checked it out yet - but now I will! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have not checked these out before - they sound awesome!

  3. I would love to win this for my girls! :)

  4. I have seen her lapbooks before, but I really like the binder option! Thanks for the giveaways! :)

  5. Looks great. I'm a fan of binders too!

  6. We love Wisdom and Righteousness in our home! These are great lap books! Thanks for the great review and giveaway!

  7. Yes, they are great and on our wishlist! :) Would love to win them! :)
    Leesa C

  8. We had a great experience with W&R lapbooks for Cycle 1. We didn't end up completing them in "real time" with our memory work, but they were a great, activity to use for reviewing the information over the summer. Hoping to win a set for Cycle 2!

  9. Would love to check it out for the first time!!

  10. I haven't checked them out before, but this giveaway looks awesome! I'm just starting to get into doing a few lapbooks and I think they are so neat. Honestly, I think I am learning so much right along with the kids by doing CC. I love it!

  11. I think this is great, and I know my kids will like it too! Thanks!


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