Dec 15, 2013

Giveaway #7 - $25 to A Journey Through Learning!

Some of the recent giveaways have been Classical Conversations-related, but this one is for EVERYONE so please keep reading!

If you know about lapbooking, chances are that you already know about A Journey Through Learning

Today's giveaway is a $25 credit to A Journey Through Learning! How awesome is that?! I'd like to thank Paula and Nancy, the owners (and fellow CC mamas), for their generous giveaway prize! The $25 will go a long way, too, since their recent price reduction!

AJTL has lapbooks for just about everything! They even have lapbooks that complement CC, Apologia, and Diana Warring's History Revealed curriculum. Here are some quick screenshots of just a few of the products that are available on their website:

They even have quick lapbooks for only a dollar:

Click here to check out everything AJTL has to offer! And if you sign up for their email newsletter, you'll get a free Overview of the 17th Century lapbook!

If you've never done lapbooks, no worries; plenty of how-to videos are available right on their site! Don't think gluing pieces onto file folders is for you? No sweat! AJTL offers BinderBuilders that fit into a 3-ring binder. Click here to check out that option.

And for everyone who's not quite sure that lapbooking is for them, AJTL has a message for you on their site:

Yes, anyone can do lapbooking! But not all lapbooking kits are created the same. Some are harder than others to figure out. If you like flipping through mounds of paper to find the study guide section, and then flip through more papers to find which booklet goes with it, and then flip through more papers to find the assembly instructions for the booklet, well then we may not be for you.

Our lapbooks are not designed to be shuffled through. Most people find shuffling through a bunch of papers not only time consuming, but frustrating and confusing. Word is from lapbook lovers that A Journey Through Learning's lapbooks are by far the best designed on the market. 

The owners of AJTL sent me a copy of Exploring the Wars of America to review along with this giveaway, and I must say, I'm very excited about it!

This goes right along with CC's second semester of Cycle 2 (yay!), but this 3-folder lapbook is meant for anyone who wants to learn more about America's involvement in the World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, and others. Check out the Table of Contents from the sample pages:

Pretty awesome, huh?! 

There is at least a one-page study guide on each war (sometimes more), information on uniforms, weapons, and maps to color. I love that notebooking pages are included, as well as optional enrichment activities.

The directions are clear, and I appreciate that the 'big picture' is included:

I like seeing where everything is going to go when we're finished. If you're interested in this lapbook, and especially if you're doing Classical Conversations, please click here to view the sample pages.

I am very excited to guide Mary through the Exploring the Wars of America lapbook when we start back to school (we take Thanksgiving to New Years off to focus on Christmas and family time). I plan on posting updates as we work through it, and I'd love for you to join us! I think this is a wonderful addition to help flesh-out our upcoming memory work. And good news - it's only $4.50 for the instant download! If you don't win this awesome giveaway, it's still very affordable for a month-long unit (but you can always take as much or as little time as you'd like; one of the joys of homeschooling!)

Ready to enter the giveaway for $25 to the AJTL store and start lapbooking? Go for it! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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I was given a complementary copy of the Exploring the Wars of America lapbook in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Thanks for reading the fine print and Merry Christmas!


  1. Looks awesome, we would love this!

  2. We's love to try it! Thank you for doing this giveaway.

  3. we love A Journey Through Learning! we have being lapbooking for a long time .

  4. This looks very helpful. Thanks for recommending.

  5. We do some lapbooking but would love to do more with my oldest daughter.

  6. We are just starting with lapbooking. My son is six and we are currently doing a lapbook on Dr. Doolittle from Confessions of a Homeschooler. We love it and would like to continue doing others. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  7. great to know about this, thanks! Haven't done any lap booking, but intrigued

  8. I have always wanted to lapbook, but have never been brave enough to try. I'm not really the crafty type. :( Maybe I could do these though!

  9. We are working on our first lapbook. Scissors and glue are a big hit at my house, and my six year would LOVE a lapbook on wars! It might even be better than legos!


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