Oct 2, 2013

Rufus and Ryan Go to Church! Giveaway!

If you're looking for an adorable board book about going to church, look no further!

Rufus and Ryan Go to Church! by Kathleen Bostrom is the sweetest little story of a boy and his favorite toy going to church, and the illustrations are darling! From the press release:

In Rufus and Ryan Go to Church!, four-year-old Ryan explains to his stuffed monkey, Rufus, what is happening as they attend church on Sunday morning. He lets Rufus know when it's time to sing and to pray and to be quiet. Author Kathleen Bostrom brings a delightfully light touch to the text as she provides an introduction to an experience that most children are exposed to long before they understand why. And children everywhere will relate to the idea of explaining their surroundings to their favorite companions as they go about their daily activities.

Oh, friends, this little board book is just adorable! Both of my girls have enjoyed it, and we will definitely be reading it often as we prepare Anna to join us in 'big church.' Mary has already been sitting with us in church for a while, but she still likes reading about Rufus and Ryan.

Would you love to win a copy to help you little ones get ready for church? This book would also make a great gift! Here you go, friends (giveaway open to US and Canadian residents only):

Congratulations to Denise for winning the book! Yay!

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  1. At our church, there is childcare available for infants through 3 yr olds. Then, from age 4-3rd grade, they come in with us to "big church" for about half of the service before they are dismissed to Children's Church. They basically just miss the sermon. There is still plenty of opportunity during their time with us to practice sitting still and listening, participating in worship, giving an offering, etc. There is always a children's bulletin for them to do quiet activities, but I love the idea of this book encouraging them to be a part of the worship experience. We encourage that of our kids, but it's always nice to have reinforcement. Thanks for posting this! I hope I win, but even if I don't, it'll go on my wish list!

  2. Sounds so sweet. My niece would love this book.

  3. I just reviewed this one, too! : ) We loved this book and I know whoever wins your giveaway will enjoy it as well!

  4. I always thought our kids would be in "big church" with us from an early age...and then we started going to our current church. The children's program is so amazing and I know they are learning way more there than they would with us (worship included), so I'm okay with them being in their own program for now. There are times when the oldest, 6, wants to come with us and she usually colors or doodles. Then she says she has to go potty and weasels her way back to the children's building :o)


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