Sep 28, 2013

Scientific Method Song with Video

Alrighty, so I've decided, like most people (I'm just assuming), that I loathe watching videos of myself. Ugh! It's like torture! I'm really my own worst enemy, and body image is something that I'm beginning to struggle with. Prayers are appreciated. I know, it sounds silly, but can any of you relate? We used to try to eat healthier, and I even juiced for a little while (loved it!), but that stuff is expensive! So, like most people, we've had to make some changes in our budget, and the organic, chemical-free food went out the window. Soooo, all that to say, here's a quick video of what we do for the Scientific Method in our class. ;)

(can't for the life of me get this video centered... sorry)

Click here to get the Scientific Method poster I made to go along with the song:

My class of kinders seems to really enjoy reviewing the method using the song. We sing it multiple times in different ways. Opera singer, British accent, robot, baby, mouse, you name it. They laugh and laugh as they sing it sometimes, and I'm just thrilled that they're memorizing it! 

I think the tune I used is a loose adaptation of one I found on C3 a while back, but I really can't remember. If anyone can give credit for the tune, please give a shout-out in the comments. I'm so appreciative of every mama who shares on C3; in no way do I want to take credit for someone else's hard work and creativity.

How is Science going for y'all? The experiments/projects seem to be over my class's head most of the time, but they enjoy singing the method song and watching things light up and spin. I'm glad they're getting a good foundation in Science for when they're older. I'm telling you, Classical Conversations has been such a blessing for our family! I really do just love, love, love it all!


  1. What a great idea! I plan to teach the song/actions to my students. Thanks!

    1. You're welcome, Charity! This song has really helped my little class remember the steps, and it's really fun to sing it in silly voices, too. :) God bless you, friend!

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