Aug 20, 2013

Scientific Method Poster - Freebie!

My husband helped me make this little poster last night as we crammed like crazy prepped for our first CC day today! I'll be Mary's tutor this year, and our fabulous director has stressed the importance of focusing on the Scientific Method during Science. So, I thought this little poster might appeal to my class of littles:

Click here or on the picture above to a copy if you'd like. 

I came up with a little song and hand motions to introduce this to my class (in a couple of hours! Eeek!). I'll let you know how it goes!


  1. What a cute poster. Thank you, for sharing, I hope you have a great first day!

    1. Thanks so much for the encouragement! Have a great weekend!

  2. This so great! I'm not tutoring foundations this year, but I'm forwarding this to my daughter's tutor so she can use it in class!

    1. I hope it will work out well for her class. It's been really good for us so far! :)

  3. i'm tutoring the ABCs this year, too! i'd love other tutor tips of what works and what doesn't with these younger ones ... like, how did art and science go, for example? :) thanks!

    1. I do have a couple things to share, Michelle, of what's working and what's not. Now, to find the time to write about it! ;)

  4. Thank you! I so appreciate this! :)


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