Aug 13, 2013

Mega Verses CD Giveaway!

We started kindergarten yesterday! Woot! We finally started doing 'real' school! 

Mary decided to call this year 'kitten'garden because of her love for cats. Ha! Those two little cats in the picture are her lovies; they come with us everywhere in a little red pouch Mary wears around her neck. Adorable!

Anyway, we started the first day of school by opening Mary's Bible notebook and going over some memory work. The first page of this notebook has all the books of the Bible listed, and we sang the books while she pointed. I've listened to many versions of this song, but my favorite is this one from Singing Bible Drill. It's just nice, sweet, and simple, and we've been using it since Mary was a baby (bath time ritual).

I've created playlists on my iPad to go with each subject, and the Books of the Bible song is first; we'll sing that everyday.

Next, since Ephesians 6 is our Bible memory work for Classical Conversations this cycle, we looked at the chapter (printed from C3, user: brooksidefarm) and sang along to our Ephesians 6 song by Mega Verse Ministries.

We used Mega Verses last year to help us memorize the Ten Commandments, and their music is just perfect! I was very excited when Jo Hendricks contacted me about doing a review and giveaway of the Volume 2 CD with the Ephesians chapter. Are you kidding? Of course I'll do it! We love Mega Verses!

The Ephesians 6 song just flows, and the music and rhythm are appropriate for the subject matter. Something just doesn't feel right in my spirit when I try to 'rock out' to a Bible verse. Maybe it's just me. But Mega Verse's version of Ephesians 6 is just right for our family - not pop or rock, but not Gregorian chant either. It's a nice, happy rhythm that makes listening to the song enjoyable (which is very important since we plan on listening to it a LOT).

Jo has generously given me an extra copy of goodies to give away! Here's what you'll be receiving if you're the winning mama:

This great CD has 27 tracks, including the Ephesians 6 (KJV) song that we love! Other tracks include John 15:5-8, Exodus 20, Psalm 8, Revelation 21:1-4, Matthew 6:9-13, and many others (iTunes doesn't list all the songs for this CD, but it shows most of them.).

Ephesians 6 (KJV) hand motions DVD:

That's over $20 of excellent materials to help your family hide God's Word in your heart!

Mega Verses is a wonderful Christian family ministry that I enjoy supporting. Please take a minute and check out their site. Their songs are also available on iTunes. Click here to go to the CC Friends page.

Ready to enter the giveaway?! You know the drill! :)

As mentioned above, I was given a copy of these goodies free of charge to review. Thanks for reading the small print, friend! Now go enter the awesome giveaway! :)


  1. Yes! We do intend to memorize Eph. 6 this year! So excited to hear about this wonderful resource! We would love to win!

  2. Yes, we love the Bible memory work!

  3. And Happy First Week to you all! Your daughter looks so adorable in Kittengarten!
    cs_cooper at Hotmail dot com

  4. Great idea! Thanks so much for the offer. I'm excited about this. : )

  5. We are going to go for it! I love your method too. Thanks!

  6. This looks great!! Just might have to buy it if I don't win! =)

  7. We will be memorizing Eph 6. This looks like a great resource!

  8. Can't wait to check these out - and yes we look forward to memorizing this scripture!

  9. This looks wonderful. Thanks for offering.

  10. We will be memorizing. I love your blog, thanks for all your do!

  11. Would love to have this resource as we will be memorizing Eph. 6 this year! Thank you! Missi

  12. We LOVED using Megaverse last year for CC with the Ten Commandments and would be thrilled to have this CD! The songs are just beautiful!

  13. Absolutely. I think it's an important part of the memory work. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  14. Yes, we plan to memorize Ephesians 6 in addition to other scripture verses.

  15. you bet... we intend to hide God's word in our heart that we might not sin against Him :D

  16. I would love for our family to be able to do that!

  17. Our family loves to learn whole passages of Scripture each year. (We use 's Bible Memory system to keep our verses in constant review.) We always add ASL (and other hand motions) to our verses; makes it fun and helps us remember. :-)

  18. Would love to use this! Thanks!

  19. Yes - we plan on memorizing it! Just found your blog from downloading your Target Practice Review file on CC Connected. Would love to win this! Now off to go check out the rest of your blog!

  20. Yes!! This would help us too!


  21. Definitely a neat idea! I checked out the Youtube sample and am intrigued :)

  22. I am going to share this with our CC director it looks great! Thank you.

  23. We are definitely memorizing CC Bible verse this year. We had a great time doing it last year!

  24. We are memorizing Ephesians 6 this year & this would be AWESOME! We used it last year for Cycle 1 & loved Jo's songs!

  25. Absolutely! I love the accountability that comes with CC. It helps us keep working!! The music sounds wonderful. I had not heard of mega verses before. Thanks!

  26. I just found your blog via pinterest, and I LOVE it! We are going to homeschool for the first time this year, and I know these will be the perfect aid in helping us memorize a scripture every week! I hope I am the blessed winner! :) Thank you for your time, work, and great example! God bless you!

  27. Pick me! Pick me! This Mama needs all the help she can get ;)

  28. Yes, we plan on memorizing Ephesians 6. Loved the 10 commandments song last year.

  29. Thanks for blogging! I am new to homeschooling, and have found lots of helpful information! We are also going to be in a CC community and really looking forward to it!

  30. Hey! I wanted to let you know that I made a reference sheet for the hand motions and have a similar giveaway going on now!


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