Aug 6, 2014

Goal #1 - Accomplished!

I want to say a big thank you to God, my husband, family, and friends, and my new Uzzie buddies for helping me realize my first goal with Usborne Books & More!

We're going to see The Mouse!

Our first family vacation will take place this January, and it's paid for!

And it may seem silly, but seeing this the other day on MY screen made me cry:

Yes, we have a reservation! Yes, my girls will be overjoyed when they see all their favorite princesses!


I'm still in shock. Still amazed that it's happened in just four quick months as a consultant with Usborne! (Click here to read about my goal from the start of this adventure!) The money doesn't fall from trees; it's like any job - you have to work and train and go out there and give it your best. But to our family, it's worth it. I've built an INSANE library of amazing books for my girls, made a boatload of new friends, and paid for our first family vacation. 

And I know I talk about Usborne a lot. I know. But, friends, it's just been such a blessing! It's hard not to share about something I've become so passionate about!

So, I'm sharing once again (shocker!).

If you're looking for something fun and flexible, something where you can be PROUD of the product and be rewarded for your efforts, something where you can stop and pick back up when 'life' happens, then I encourage you to take a look at Usborne Books and More.

This month, we have a great special on our new consultant kit:

Here's what's included:

There's a Mouse About the House (Classic!) - $10.99
See Inside Your Body - $14.99
Illustrated Dictionary of Math - $12.99
1000 Things That Go - $14.99
Illustrated Dictionary - $15.99
My First Word Book - $9.99
Secrets of the Apple Tree (SO fun; flashlight book!) - $12.99
Muddle and Match Adventure - $8.99

(we just passed the $100 mark...)

100 Paper Planes to Fold & Fly - $7.99
That's Not My Goat - $7.99
Ted and Friends (GREAT phonics collection!) - $19.99
Conspiracy 365 (young adult fiction) - $10.99
Special Forces (LOVE this one!) - $8.99
Baby's Very First Big Play Book - $22.99
Drawing, Doodling, & Coloring (AWESOME!) - $13.99
Wipe-Clean First Words - $7.99

(just passed the $200 mark...)

Jonathan James & the What If Monster - $6.99
The Last 13 (young adult fiction) - $10.99
100 Things for Little Children to do on a Trip (wipe-clean activity cards - SO great!) - $9.99
Dogs (non-fiction beginning reader book) - $4.99
Underpants for Ants (phonics book) - $6.99
Sticker Dolly Dressing Princesses - $8.99
Lots of Things to Spot at School - $8.99

And YOU can get them all this month for just $100!

For $100, you can give Usborne a try! There are no monthly minimums; sell, don't sell, it's YOUR business. However, I do encourage everyone to at least do a kick-off show with your new kit. When you do a kick-off, you are the consultant (get 25% commission) AND you're the hostess (get double-free books and other discounts up to 75% off)! So, why not?! The commission from an average party will pay for your kit, and you're left with bookoodles of FREE and discounted books! Kick-off parties are the!

So, now that my first goal has been achieved, I'm moving onto my next:


Each year, Usborne has an amazing trip that consultants can earn. Everyone starts off on the same even ground (love that!), so anyone and everyone in the company, old and new, has a chance to earn a free trip! This year, we're going to Ireland! The contest started this past June and ends the last day of January...

(big news ahead...)

I'm over half-way to my free trip!


From my personal business page:

Am I saying to toot my own horn -


I'm showing you this because four months ago I never DREAMED that we would be going to Disney World. I never DREAMED that I could be going to Ireland for free! I'm not a dreamer anymore - I'm a realist. Going through what I do with Anna has (what's the right word??) leveled me out a bit. Did you ever read the Anne of Green Gables series? I LOVE those books! Well, if you remember, in the first couple of books, Anne is so bubbly and lively and over-the-top. Then tragedy strikes with her first child and it... levels her out. And I don't even know if that's the right word or phrase... maybe 'matured,' is correct. I don't know. She's just more even-stephen and cautious with her dreaming I guess. Well, that's exactly how I've changed with Anna's diagnosis. It's just a heavy-hearted thing to deal with (as I'm sure many of you have your own heavy-hearted issues and concerns as well), so my dreaming has taken a back seat.

Well ... today I dreamed again.

Today, after we got our commission report for July and realized Disney was now paid for, I hopped up on the kitchen counter next to my sweet husband (who was doing the dishes - makes him even sweeter!), and said, "What do you think?! Let's go to Ireland!"

And we talked about passports and childcare and got on the computer and looked at pictures of old Irish castles. It was surreal!

We're dreaming again.

And it feels good. 

Really good.

And I want to give all the glory to God. He is the one doing this and leading us places. We have just prayed and prayed through this. He has led us to Usborne. And I just want to say that if you feel Him leading you to try something new to bless your family, I'd love to welcome you to the team. Click here to start your new adventure!

And if you're like me, maybe it's time to let yourself dream again.

It's feelin' pretty good!

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1 comment:

  1. Wow. That looks like an amazing kit. Thanks for sharing.


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