Apr 30, 2014

Usborne & CC Cycle 3 Science Match-Up!

I'm getting SO excited about Science (never thought I'd say that)!
Usborne has like a million-gazillion Science books, and it might be hard to choose the best ones when you can't pick them up and look through them. So, I thought I'd go through and pick what will work for our family this year with CC Cycle 3, take some pictures to compare my favorites, and then share them with you!
And... here we go!


Click here to get the FINAL version of this Science match-up!
First, I made an Usborne books and Cycle 3 Match-Up:
Click here to get it!
New! Click here for the updated final version!

Here are the three books that we'll be using the first semester when we study the human body:
The Usborne Science Encyclopedia (or the big boy, as I call it),
First Encyclopedia of the Human Body,
See Inside Your Body.
We'll also use (absolutely fabulous!) The Usborne Flip-Flap Body Book, but I didn't include it in the Science match-up. Instead, I tried to use just one book that would target each age group.
Since you're there, and I'm here, you obviously can't flip through each book and see what will work for you next year. So, I've taken lots of pictures, and hopefully you'll get an idea of which titles would be helpful if you're considering these books.
First, The Usborne Science Encyclopedia (big boy) is the perfect general reference for all things Science. This is what I use to look up definitions and find great pictures. It's also one that we won't outgrow anytime soon. This encyclopedia has 448 pages and is for ages 9 and up. Here's a peek at the inside:

Notice the pages on Digestion above in the big boy. 
Now, to compare, here is the digestion page from First Encyclopedia of the Human Body:
The font is bigger, as well as the images. This is the perfect body book for elementary students! It's geared to ages 8 and up, and it has 64 pages of awesome information and graphics.
Here are some more pictures of the First Encyclopedia:

Next, See Inside Your Body is for ages 7 and up, and it has 16 sturdy board pages with over 50 flaps. This book is so much fun! Here is the spread on digestion, just to compare with the other books, followed by more pictures:

Even though this book is for the younger set, it's my favorite! There's just so much to explore and make learning fun!
We'll also be using The Usborne Human Body Sticker Book for some more hands-on learning. 
It has 32 pages of information plus 10 sticker pages with over 130 stickers! I like all the extra information and fun facts that are included in this one! Here's a peek inside:

I hope this little look inside some of my favorite Usborne Science books has been helpful! Don't forget to grab your copy of the Usborne and CC Cycle 3 Science Match-Up. I'll be updating the second semester page soon, using Usborne's Illustrated Dictionary of Chemistry
More later, alligator!
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All of the links take you to my Usborne store. Thanks so much for your support!


  1. I clicked on 'See Inside Your Body' and it says it's out of print! Oh no! Any insight?

    1. Checked with some people, and the word is that as far as we know, Usborne is just updating it, perhaps the cover. It's a best-seller, so I'd be surprised if didn't show up in the new catalog in July. Fingers crossed! :)

  2. Awesome! Thanks for reminding me that Usborne is a wonderful (and durable!) resource for my kiddos. Anatomy is my favorite science topic, so these books really appeal to me. Maybe my boys will catch the anatomy bug, too. :)

    1. Ooh! I hope so! Anatomy is so much fun! Glad you like Usborne books, too; they really are incredible! :)

  3. This list is great! Do you have an Usborne history match-up?

  4. Thanks for this great list! These books look wonderful, really appreciate your post!

  5. This is amazing!! I don't suppose you have one for cycle 1? We're trying to decide what to do for science next year :)


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