Mar 7, 2014

Cycle 3 Memory Work Flip Book is Finished!

The Classical Conversations Cycle 3 memory work flip book is now available on C3 under username: melodystroud.

The pages are 4x6 and fit nicely into a dollar store photo flip book:

This is my Cycle 2 book, as you can tell, but it gives you an idea of what it looks like in case you've never seen the flip book before. Cycle 1 and 2 books are also up on C3, so this one completes the trilogy! ;)

I keep mine in my purse instead of lugging around the Foundations Guide (although, I love my FG, don't get me wrong! Have you ever looked in the back? Excellent information!). This is, of course, not in any way an official CC product; it's just something I came up with to make my life a little easier (thank You, Lord, for the idea!).

I hope this little resource will be a blessing to you as you begin to look ahead to Cycle 3!

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  1. Thank you! I was a tutor trainer last summer and gave these already made up away as door prizes. The tutors LOVED them and would fight over them! Thanks!

    1. You are welcome, Lori Ann! And what a great idea to give one away as a door prize! Hmm... i may have to do that, too, when we do Practicum this year! :)

  2. I love your flip books, we keep them in the car to study on the go...I was wondering if you would be willing to post an editable file on CC connected so that we can put in the times tables for our older students similar to what you did in Cycle 1?

    1. That's a great idea, but the editable file would be an Adobe Photoshop file, and it would be too large to upload. In hindsight, I should have made it in PowerPoint. So, I'm sorry that it doesn't have the times tables. Maybe you could print out the Cycle 1 flip book again and keep it in the back of Cycle 2 just for the Math part??

  3. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I cannot say enough how much I have loved having your flip book in my bag this year. It has gotten so much use it is actually held together with some cute duct tape. I just found the one for next year and jumped for joy that I could print it already. Yeah!!! Thank you!!! Juli~

    1. You are so welcome, Juli! I'm glad the little books have been helpful! Yay! :)

  4. I was hoping you would have the cycle 3 flip book soon! I love this wonderful resource, thank you so much for sharing it with us!

  5. You're welcome, Judy! I hope this little resource will be a blessing to you! :)

  6. Thank you for your time that you put into making these books. They are used so often in our house.

    1. You are so welcome, Trisha! I'm glad they're useful; we use them all the time, too! :)

  7. LOVE these, Melody, thank you!! Also, I saw that you were in Nashville at TTD. I'm sorry that I missed you there! Maybe next year!

    1. Yes! I'd love to get together next year in Nashville! My husband had a great time and gave us the green light for 2015! Yay! Glad you like the flip book, friend! :)

  8. Replies
    1. You are so very welcome, Melissa! I hope it's a blessing for your family! :)

  9. Hi Melody! This was my first year as a CC Mom... I'm not up on the lingo yet and feel pretty dense for asking, but what does "up on C3" and "under username..." mean? Are you directing to another site?
    I love your flipbook idea, just trying to figure out the puzzle :)

    1. No worries, running shoes! C3 is the same as CC Connected, which is a file-sharing place on CC's main website. It's subscription-based, so it's not free, but it's very reasonable if you're in a CC community ($6 a month). Are you in a community? On the main CC site, click on CC Connected in the top blue bar, then hover over Foundations, then At-Home Sharing Center. Send me an email if you want some more help, friend. I'd be happy to walk you though finding the file on C3. :)

  10. Where do we purchase them? Do you have a sample of the inside? Thanks.

  11. having a had time finding this on C3 i have typed in your name and cycle 3 and it says no files found. I am new to this so i am probably not doing something right. Any help to figure this out would be appreciated.

  12. Woohoo! Just came across your blog and found the file on C3! My Foundations guide is already falling apart. I love being able to use the flip book in our daily life and saving the Foundations Guide for an extra resource. Thank you!

    1. You're so welcome! Glad it comes in handy! :)

  13. I want you to know just how much we use our flip book for Cycle 2 -- it is AWESOME! So excited for Cycle 3 - thank you, Melody!

    1. You are very welcome, Mary! Thanks for all YOU do for the online CC and homeschooling communities! And congrats on the CC Blog Carnival! Awesome! :)

  14. Replies
    1. Hi Lisa! To get your free copy, log in to Classical Conversations Connected (C3) on Classical Conversations's website. It's in the file sharing section for Foundations.

  15. We used our laminated cycle 2 flips more than any other resource! Beyond excited to see them for cycle 3, thank you!

    1. Ooh! That makes me so happy to hear that your family is enjoying the flip chart! Awesome! Thanks for letting me know! :)

  16. Thank you for doing this and sharing!!

  17. This is AMAZING! I just finished laminating it and it looks great! Thank-you so much for sharing. It is really a blessing. <3

  18. Thank you so much for sharing that. It's awesome.

  19. These are fantastic! Do you by any chance have them in a 3x5 size? I have an index card box that size and would love to store them in there for memory work at home.

  20. Thank you so much for all you hard work! I kept your cycle 2 flip book in my purse for the past year and it has been an amazing tool to review on the go!

    I downloaded cycle 3, but for some reason it seems to start at week 4. Am I not getting the entire file?

    Well, thank you again so much for this amazing resource!

    1. Hi Cat! I'm not sure what's happening with that. Hmm... it seems to be working for me. Can you perhaps give it another try? Sorry that it's being difficult.

  21. Hello! I'm new to CC and a friend reccomended your blog. It's a fabulous resource but I'm having trouble accessing your stuff. Can you help me?
    Thank you!!!

    1. Hi Crystal! Welcome to CC, friend! To get the flip book, you'll need to join CC Connected after your Director puts you into the system. Once that happens, log in to CC Connected and search for username: melodystroud. You should be able to see all of my uploaded resources. Thanks for stopping by!

  22. This is going to be a stupid question but CC changed the website and I CANNOT FIND the forums where I can search for this! I am so annoyed! Can you help? Do you know how to get to the CC Connected where you can search for this? I click on CC Connected and it's like nothing is there. And I'm logged in. Argh...I hate website updates

  23. this is for the members only ($6 mo)?

  24. Latin week 12, is it a typo? In the beginning was he word. It should be THE word?

  25. Would you be able to make one for me to purchase? I don't have a printer right now, but would love to buy one from you! Let me know. Thanks!

  26. HI!
    I am an Essentials tutor, so I am subscribed to the Essentials stuff.. is there any way for me to get to your flip book? I have a son doing Foundations also, so this would be wonderful! I did a search for your name but it doesn't come up in the file share, probably because it is for foundations? Any help would be awesome!

  27. I absolutely LOVE this idea! I made one. It's SO cute and handy! I'm going to add a page for John 1:1-7 in Latin and English as well as a list of all the states and capitols in order and maybe even the complete timeline.

  28. Could you email me the file of the Cycle 3 flipbook? one of my friends had it, and I didn't know where it came from. So excited to find this!

  29. Dear Melody,
    Thank you so much for sharing your incredible hard work to create these Cycle flip books.. We just joined a community Week 10 and I decided to become a tutor for the second semester. I spent the holiday break with the flip book to try to learn the 6 weeks of review. This made it possible for me to do review in the car while I was running around over the Christmas season. What a blessing!
    I was wondering if it would be possible to send me your files for the 3 flip books you created? If possible please send to
    Thank you again for all you do to help the CC community.

    1. Hi Emily! So glad you like the book! Unfortunately, I'm not permitted to email the file, but they're on C3. :) I apologize for taking so long to get back to ya!

  30. Hello Melody, Do I have to subscribe to the cc community in order to see how you created your flip book? I'm just starting cc with a friend, our community was full for cycle 3, and can not get into the community. But, am trying to research ways to stay organized. Thanks, it sounds like a great idea and I'd love to check it out.

  31. Hi Joyce! Yes, one does need to be a member of C3 to get access to the flip book and TONS of awesome materials. Getting organized early is a great idea, friend! Woot!

  32. Melody- we heart you. Thank you for the flip books. They are awesome and so are you.

  33. Hi Melody! Thank you so much for the flip book. It has helped us tremendously during our first year of CC. I continue to pass the word on this super resource. Will you have a version that includes the Bible memory work now listed on the CC Website? That would be awesome. Thanks again for the help!!

  34. Hi,
    I still dont see where or how to download or print this out

  35. Hi,
    I still dont see where or how to download or print this out

  36. I just found the C3 flip book on CC Connected but the C2 & C1 are missing? Do you know if they are still on CC Connected?

  37. Sorry to ask you this again, but I am not on CC connected, would you be able to email me the pdf for cycle 2 flip chart?
    Thank you for your kindness in sharing your excellent work.

  38. Hi Melody can i please get the template for the flip chart. Thank you

  39. Melody, I am not member of cc and I would like to download your flip book cycle 1-3. Can you e-mail me at Thank you.

  40. Melody, I am a member of cc but not cc connected. Could you possibly email me you cycle 3 flip book? I'd be happy to pay you something for it! My email is

    Thank you:)

  41. How do I find this to print. I see you've posted the user name: Melody Stroud. But where would I enter that? LOL


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