Oct 6, 2013

Cycle 2 Memory Work Flip Chart - REVISED!

A very kind reader has proofed the memory work flip chart for Cycle 2. I've updated the file on C3, so feel free to pull down another copy if you'd like (user name: melodystroud). If you already have the flip chart and would like to just fix the changes with a pencil or print out just the pages with corrections, here they are:

Week 2 Science: Omnivores (the m and n are reversed)
Week 14 Science: should say "donates" instead of "denotes"
Week 15 History: should say "Russia" instead of "Russian"
Week 15 Math: add (cm) after 100 centimeters
Week 20 Geography: Thailand is missing

These errors have all been corrected in the new version. A big thank you to Nicole B. for taking the time to let me know of the typos!

Michele H., another wonderful reader, has made a 4x6 page of Ephesians 6 (KJV) for the flip chart! You can get yours by clicking here. Thanks, Michele, for taking the time to make this and sharing it!

Thanks, ladies, for all of your help and encouragement!


  1. Thank you bunches for this wonderful resource! I know that it took a lot of time to make, and I'm sure it will be a blessing to our family (and many others) as we study our memory work. Blessings to you and your precious family!

    1. Thanks so much, Shannon! It will be time to start working on Cycle 3's book soon - Eeeeek!! ;)

  2. Hi Melody,
    Last year I printed one for Cycle 1 from cc connected that had the multiplication tables on it. You didn't happen to make those did you?

    1. Ho Lori! I made that chart, but a friend added the tables. They're not on the chart for Cycle 2. That would be a good addition to the Cycle 3 chart next year. I'll have to keep that in mind! :)

  3. Is this in a 4x6 Photo Album? I can't figure out what you did.

  4. Hi Melody, Thank you for making these flip charts. I think it is the only reason my children were able to become MM. They could take these little booklets off by themselves and quiz each other while I got other "mom stuff" done. I've been on C3 and haven't been able to locate one for cycle 1. Will you be uploading one for this cycle? I know you're a busy mom too. I was just curious. Blessing for you and your family.


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