Aug 8, 2013

History Sentence Review Cards

I need... hmmm... something, something, something (fingers drumming on table) to help with History each week... maybe something the kids could mix up and put back in order as they sing the song... what could that be...

History Sentence Review Cards!

One of my C3 Superstars, Grismar, is taking a different path this year and won't be doing Classical Conversations. Eeeek! What will I do?! We used a LOT of her resources last year in our community; she's very creative. One of my favorite things she made was an illustrated history sentence (aka history cards) for each week's memory work. Last year, I cut them out, laminated the pieces, mixed them up, and then let Mary put them in order while she sang the songs. Fun, easy, and quick - perfect!

Well, since she won't be doing that this year (sniffle, tear), I decided to go ahead and create these cards for the first semester history sentences. They're on C3 under my user name, melodystroud. Now, I know not everyone has access to C3, but since this is all copyrighted material from the Foundations Guide, C3 is where these have to go. And I'm very sorry, but I really can't email these out. I know, it's a bummer, it really is. But, these didn't take too long to make; so, if you'd like to make your own, just open up Publisher and start searching for some images (but watch out when you get to Week 11; it's a little gory!).

Hopefully these little cards will add some fun to your history review!


  1. Wow, thanks for taking on such a big project. I look forward to using them.

    1. It did take a long time, but it was also relaxing for me. I just turned on Netflix, had a glass of iced tea beside me, and started searching for the images. It was nice alone-time. :)

  2. Too cute! This is hilarious - yesterday I just did my own post on what I miss from Grismar! I made some new science printables in her awesome style and just uploaded them on C3. Here's the link to my post:

    Love your sentence cards! I'm glad you took up the post to make them for this cycle! :)

    1. Great job on the Science printables, Tara! Wow! Going to print them now! And yes, Grismar will be missed. :(

  3. Yay! Thank you sooooo much. As a 1st year CC mom, I need all the help I can get. Just printed off my first 2 weeks. :-)

    1. I hope these will be a blessing to you, Melissa. They were fun to make, and my little girl enjoys unscrambling them. :)

  4. Thank you so much for all of your hard work. Are you planning to continue with weeks 13-24? I ask because I will be taking over as a tutor for our second semester and I'd LOVE to use these with the kiddos!

    1. Hi Rhianna! Yes, I do plan on making the rest of the cards during the Christmas break. I'm glad you like them! :)

  5. Oh good! That will be one less thing for me to come up with over the break!

  6. Can you tell me what C3 is? I just joined CC connected......

    1. Hi Mindy! C3 is the same as CC Connected (it has 3 C's, so that's the short name for it). When you log in, hover your mouse over Foundations, then At Home Sharing Center. Click on that. Then click on Uploaded By and search for melodystroud. Click and then look for the History Cards. Let me know if you need more help! :)

    2. Hi Melody, thank you so much for making the History cards, My students and I are enjoying them:) I have not been able to find the 2nd semester on C3? Am I looking in the wrong place? would you check that out?
      Thanks Raina

  7. My son loved your history cards for Cycle 2! He was having a difficult time with memorizing his history sentences until I introduced your cards and then every week he couldn't want to get to history! Will you be making history cards for Cycle 3?

    1. So glad to hear that the cards helped your son! Yes, I will be making Cycle 3 History Cards this summer! I'll let you know when they're available on C3. :)

  8. Hi, Melody! God bless you for doing these --- seriously. (1st time CC mom with 2 kinesthetic boys!) I found your first Cycle 3 set on C3...are the others just waiting until uploads are allowed again?

  9. Hi Melody, I was wondering how you assemble these? do I cut and staple into a book or do you have a way to fold them?

  10. Will you be making semester 2 history cards?


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